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Traffic Regulation Orders, Parking Places Orders and Parking Consultations

Work Plan 2024-2025 and Parking Consultations 

Work Plan 2024-2025

Work Plan 2024-2025 Toggle accordion

Work Plan 2024 - 2025

Work Plan

Limited Waiting Bays - Modifications - Consultation Closed

Limited Waiting Bays - Modifications - Consultation Closed Toggle accordion

St Albans City and District Council (Control Of Parking) (Amendments No**) Order 202*

St Albans City and District Council proposes to make modifications to the above proposal to convert free limited waiting parking places in Harpenden and St. Albans to paid parking places, under section 14 of The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders  (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996.

The council will make the following modifications to the proposed order:

  • Change the start of controlled hours from 08:30 to 09:00 in Harpenden.
  • Change two twenty-minute free parking sessions to one 30-minute free session per day. 
  • Chargeable parking periods will be made available in 30-minute sessions.
  • Postpone the decision on York Road and Clarence Road (St Albans) Limited Waiting Bays until the wider review of parking in Zone P which will be on the 25/26 workplan.
  • Convert five bays in Leyton Green (Harpenden) to resident bays to relieve parking stress. 

A copy of this representation may be examined at the Civic Centre, St Peters Street, St Albans, AL1 3JE Monday to Friday.

Persons wishing to make comments to this proposal must do so by email or by clicking on the below proposal where you can add your comments, view or upload supporting documents. 

  • Representations in writing must be sent to:
  • The Parking Development Team – 
  • St Albans City and District Council, Civic Centre, 
  • St Albans, AL1 3JE 
  • by email to: quoting map reference PPB/01 by midnight 1st December 2024. 

Please note:  Comments to this proposal opens on Monday 11th November 2024 and closes at midnight Sunday 1st December 2024.

Modification Maps

Documents from the Original Proposal:- 

18/07/2024 -15/08/2024

Notice Of Proposal   

Proposed Maps  

Draft Traffic Regulation Order

Statement Of Reasons

 Consultation Report



Thirlestane Consultation Closed 24/10/2024 - 14/11/2024

Thirlestane Consultation Closed 24/10/2024 - 14/11/2024 Toggle accordion


Please note this consultation has now closed - 14/11/2024

updates will be posted here in due course 

The general effect of the Order would be to introduce a residents parking scheme and designated disabled parking places:- St Albans, Bernard Heath - Thirlestane.

Increase the available provision of residents parking places 

Reduce instances of inappropriate or inconsiderate parking 

Improve access to adjacent properties 

Reduce congestion

Improve road safety 


Formal Proposals to make a Traffic Regulation Order. 

Please select the proposal you would like to review from the consultation list. Comments on the proposal can be submitted using the blue Submit Feedback button at the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you can search a proposed restriction by road name using the search bar. 


Please see below supporting documents:

Thirlestane Public Notice 

Thirlestane TRO

Thirlestane Statement of Reasons 

Thirlestane Maps


Car Park Access Permit - Consultation Closed

Car Park Access Permit - Consultation Closed Toggle accordion

Please note that this has now closed
Proposal to introduce a new permit to enable eligible residents born before 1954 to obtain a permit that allows them to park in any Council owned/run car park for up to 3 hours.  For more information please see the drop down button 'Car Park Access Permit' where you can find all the consultation documents.

Please select the proposal you would like to review from the consultation list. Comments on the proposal can be submitted using the blue Submit Feedback button at the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you can search a proposed restriction by road name using the search bar. 


Please see below supporting documents:

Comment on Access Permit 

Access Permit Draft TRO.pdf

Access Permit Statement Of Reasons.pdf

Access Permit Public Notice.pdf

Access Maps.pdf

April Yellow Line Order Across the District 2024 - Consultation Closed

April Yellow Line Order Across the District 2024 - Consultation Closed Toggle accordion

Please Note that this has now closed 

Various Stopping and Waiting Restrictions (Yellow Lines ) Across the District 2024

The Council is committed to improving road safety and access for emergency vehicles and refuse collections across the district. The 

Council has therefore committed to undertaking the making of 2 annual Traffic Regulation Orders solely based on junctions, access and other safety related issues.

Status: Formal Consultation Date: 12/09/2024 - 03/10/2024 

Roads Affected:

Clarendon Court and Clarendon Road.pdf

Townsend Lane Map.pdf

Bowers Way Map.pdf

Ver Road Map.pdf

Crown Street Map.pdf

Redbourn High Street Map.pdf

Woollam Crescent Map.pdf

Hazelmere Road and Ridgeway Map.pdf

St Peters Road Map.pdf

Verulam Road Map.pdf

Cape Road and Castle Road Map.pdf

Guildford Road, Maxwell Road, Cambridge Road and College Road Maps.pdf

London Road 01 Map.pdf

Colindale Avenue, London Road and Cunningham Avenue Map.pdf

Smallford Lane and Sleapshyde Lane Map.pdf

Abbots Avenue West and Trumpington Drive Map.pdf

Howland Garth, Watling View, Kemple Close and Ashby Gardens Map.pdf

West Avenue and Watford Road Map.pdf

Cotlandswick Map.pdf

Broomfield, Spooners Drive, Fairway and Penn Road Map.pdf

Frederick Place and Frogmore Maps.pdf

St Vincent Drive Maps.pdf

Yel-1 Watling View.pdf

Yel-1 02London Road.pdf

Whitecroft and London Road Maps.pdf

Formal Proposals to make a Traffic Regulation Order. 

Please select the proposal you would like to review from the consultation list. Comments on the proposal can be submitted using the blue Submit Feedback button at the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you can search a proposed restriction by road name using the search bar. 



Public Notice 

Statement of Reasons 

Draft Traffic Regulation Order 

Delayed Yellow Line Order Across the District 2023-2024 - Consultation Closed

Delayed Yellow Line Order Across the District 2023-2024 - Consultation Closed Toggle accordion

Please Note: The consultation has now closed

Various Stopping and Waiting Restrictions (Yellow Lines ) Across the District 2024

The Council is committed to improving road safety and access for emergency vehicles and refuse collections across the district. The Council has therefore committed to undertaking the making of 2 annual Traffic Regulation Orders solely based on junctions, access and other safety related issues.

Status: Formal Consultation Date 30/05/2024-03/07/2024


Please select the proposal you would like to review from the consultation list. Comments on the proposal can be submitted using the blue Submit Feedback button at the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you can search a proposed restriction by road name using the search bar. 


Please see below supporting documents:

Made Public Notice 

Made Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)

Statement Of Reasons 

Consultation Report 

Made Map Tiles 


Zone MR - Consultation Closed

Zone MR - Consultation Closed Toggle accordion

Please Note: The Consultation for this has now closed 

The general effect of the Order would be to introduce shared use (residents parking places and limited waiting bays in:- St Albans, St Peters ward - Marlborough Road.

Please select the proposal you would like to review from the consultation list. Comments on the proposal can be submitted using the blue Submit Feedback button at the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you can search a proposed restriction by road name using the search bar. 


Please see below supporting documents:
Public Notice 


Draft Traffic Regulation Order 


Proposed Maps


Statement Of Reasons


Consultation Report

Zone F Review - Consultation Closed

Zone F Review - Consultation Closed Toggle accordion

Please Note: The Consultation for this has now closed

The general effect of the Order would be in the zone F controlled parking zone to: -

Extend the current operational hours of the zone F CPZ (single yellow lines and parking places) from Monday to Saturday between 8.30am and 8pm to Monday to Sunday between 8.30am and 10pm.

Reduce the maximum number of resident permits per household from (a) 3 or 2 for properties with off-street parking (driveway/garage) to (b) 2 or 1 for properties with off-street parking (driveway/garage).

Remove the solo motorcycle bays in Bernard Street, Church Street and Grange Street and extend the permit holder parking places in the same locations.

Reduce double yellow lines in St. Peter’s Street and replace with a zone F permit holder parking place.

Revoke redundant disabled parking places at various locations and extend permit holder parking places in the same location. 

To make further amendments to waiting, loading, and parking place restrictions at various locations to bring the map-based Orders in line with the on-street layout.


Please select the proposal you would like to review from the consultation list. Comments on the proposal can be submitted using the blue Submit Feedback button at the bottom of the map. Alternatively, you can search a proposed restriction by road name using the search bar. 


Please see below supporting documents: 


 Consultation Report 

Zone F Made Public Notice 

  Zone F  TRO 

Zone F Statement Of Reasons 

Zone F Maps 


Existing Restrictions 

Active Traffic Regulation Orders - On Street (Highway) Toggle accordion

On Street Traffic Regulation Order 2023 


Any variation to the above Order will appear below: 

On street Prices 2024

Bricket Road Amendment Order 2024

Active Traffic Regulation Orders (On-Street)

The below interactive map provides details of all parking restrictions across the St Albans City and District Area covered by the St Albans City and District Council (Control of Parking) Order 2023. This Order comes in to operation from 4th September 2023. The map may take a few minutes to load and you may need to 'Accept' the cookies to view it.

To find details of the Order, search a road name or zoom to a point on the map and use your left mouse button to click on any restriction type to view the details of that restriction. From the pop up description, you can select the publication details and download the PDF version of the written and sealed Order. 

To view map on a full size webpage, please visit our partner website. This will open in a new window outside of the Councils website.

Please note, the above map only provides details of the restrictions included within the named Traffic Regulation Order/s. Whilst every Effort is made to ensure amendments and new orders are included, some restrictions may not appear or may differ.

Active Traffic Order/s - Off Street (Car Parks & Garage forecourt) Toggle accordion

Off Street Parking Places Order 2022

PDF Documents, please note, the below document is around 23mb and may take some time to download. If using a mobile device, it is recommended to use a wifi connection 

Off Street Order 2022

Off Street Prices 2024

Request For New Parking Restrictions 

Request a new parking restriction or review of an existing parking restriction

Request a new parking restriction or review of an existing parking restriction Toggle accordion

If your road/ area is not listed you can request it is considered for a future parking consultation.

Request a new restriction or review of an existing restriction using the parking enquiry form

A new works programme covering 2024-2025 was considered in April 2024.  Unfortunately, not every request can be immediately considered, but many factors can lead to its addition to a future works programme:

Safety issues / concerns 

Volume of request from different households

High parking demand from non- residents

Major developments that are taking place nearby.

Yellow Line Orders

We have two yellow orders which are processed each year. One which begins on 1st April and the other on 1st October. Each window is open for 10 weeks. Any requests for yellow lines with be added to the waiting list during this time. Once the window closes.

  • We will review each request and collate any relevant data i.e., site surveys etc. 
  • This information is reviewed and if there are grounds to consider placing restrictions this is placed on the schemes for our Lead Councillor to approve. 
  • This is followed by a public consultation and depending on the responses, a final decision is taken to approve the restrictions. 
  • The formal Traffic Order is made, and the relevant signs and the yellow lines installed.

Parking Schemes

Requests for parking schemes, such as resident parking, are considered once a year and any schemes to be considered are placed on the workplan and processed.

  • Each request is initially investigated. This may include surveys or site visits to measure the size of the problem.
  • If necessary, an informal consultation will be held to capture local views.
  • If there is evidence of a need of a scheme this is placed on the workplan waiting list to be reviewed by the Lead Councillor.
  • If approved, it is placed on the work plan for the following financial year.
  • This is followed by a public consultation and depending on the responses, a final decision is taken to approve the restrictions. 
  • The Formal Traffic Order is made, and the relevant signs and the yellow lines installed.
Traffic Regulation Orders, Schemes & Restrictions FAQs

Traffic Regulation Orders, Schemes & Restrictions FAQs Toggle accordion

How long can a TRO or PPO take?

A TRO can take between 12 and 18 months to deliver, however this would depend on the complexity of the scheme and the consultations that must be undertaken. 

What schemes require a TRO or a PPO?

All parking management schemes require a TRO or PPO and can only be proposed for the reasons set out in the legislation. A scheme can only be proposed if the regulations allow it. 

What other Highway restrictions will require a TRO?

TROs are required for almost all Highway related traffic management. In addition to those listed in our main document under paragraph 5, the following Highways Functions will also need a TRO. However, St Albans City and District Council do not have the authority to manage these, and they can only be done by Hertfordshire County Council (HCC). 

  • Speed limits
  • Weight limits
  • One-way streets and banned turns (no left or right turn etc.)
  • Prohibition of driving, pedestrian areas 

What factors make a priority assessment of a TRO?

  • Safety (collision reduction and speeding)
  • Benefits to public transport and cycling 
  • Routes to school and community facilities 
  • Air quality, congestion, and environmental benefits 
  • Level of community buy in to the scheme including financial contribution
  • Level of contribution from member's highways local allocation

Once a scheme has been considered against the points above and a priority established, the first set of proposals can be drafted for consultation. 

What is a typical process to a TRO or PPO?

A typical TRO or PPO process includes the following:

  • An advert will appear in the Herts Ad advertising the Traffic Regulation Order. 
  • We will make all Ward Councillors, Parish and Town Councils aware of the Consultation so they can inform residents and businesses what is happening. 
  • We will liaise with statutory bodies such as blue light services and the County Council. 
  • The Consultation will be on our website, and we will also place signs in the limited bays advertising the Traffic Regulation Orders. 
  • There will be no Public Consultation meetings.

Members of the public will be able to view the map based order online or at the Civic Centre, they will be able to respond online using our appyware software, or email/ write to us directly. 

Can I comment on a proposed TRO?

Yes, the formal consultation stage of a TRO or PPO is open for all to comment on within a 21-day period. 

Where can I find the proposed TRO?

The proposed scheme will be advertised in the local press and uploaded to the Councils website. A copy will also be sent to all appropriate Ward Councillors within the areas of consultation. 

Live TROs

What is the difference between a TRO and a PPO?

  • A TRO is used to regulate and control traffic movement. In our case, anything that prohibits the movement or parking/ waiting of vehicles would be within a TRO.
  • A PPO is implemented for all parking places such as permit parking, disabled parking, loading bays etc.

Whilst there is a difference, generally all the orders are referenced under the TRO label as an industry standard.

What happens if significant changes are made?

If significant changes are required following the formal consultation, then the amendments will need to be made and re-consulted for a further 21-days to allow further comments. Alternatively, the process can be restarted with the newly amended scheme. 

What happens when a TRO is approved?

Once the legal process is completed and sealed the scheme can be implemented. If it is a permit scheme, we will normally give around 3 months before a scheme goes live to allow for the lines and signs of a scheme to be implemented and residents to acquire permits. 

How long does it take for the signs and lines to be carried and are they needed?

Signs and lines to support the restrictions are usually implemented within the 3 months and are in most cases, legally required. Signs and lines are governed by the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 and Councils must adhere to it. The time of year and weather conditions may alter the timing of implementation as lining can only be laid in appropriate conditions.