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Mayor’s town twinning visit to Fano, Italy, “strengthens ties”
The longstanding ties between St Albans and the Italian town of Fano have been strengthened by an official Mayoral visit.

Food and Drink Festival Award Winners 2023 Revealed
An Indian restaurant and bar has scooped two titles at the Enjoy St Albans Food and Drink Festival Awards 2023.
Mayor praises four young charity fund raisers
Four riding school pupils have been praised for raising funds for research into a rare illness.

Give your views on crime prevention in St Albans District
Residents, businesses and community groups can help shape a detailed plan for improving crime prevention in St Albans District.

Schools In Bloom winners revealed
The winners of the annual Schools in Bloom contest for St Albans District have been revealed.
St Albans looks to become a City of Sanctuary
Councillors have approved plans for St Albans District to seek City of Sanctuary status so it is recognised as a safe haven for people forced to flee their homes.

Twin Town visitors – Italian delegation takes a look round St Albans District
St Albans Mayor Geoff Harrison welcomed a delegation of visitors from an Italian town twinned with the City.
Help for residents facing redundancy
Help for people facing redundancy or looking for work is being provided by the newly set up St Albans Jobs Forum.
Black Lives Matter - statement by Hertfordshire Council leaders
In light of protests by the Black Lives Matter movement and with further protests planned across the county, all eleven leaders of the district, borough and county councils in Hertfordshire, plus t

Health and wellbeing strategy for St Albans District is updated
A strategy for improving the health and wellbeing of people in the St Albans District has been updated to take account of new projects and initiatives.

Plans for new community hub make major progress
Plans to revamp an ageing community centre in the Sopwell ward of St Albans are to advance to the pre-construction stage.

Help make the District safer
Residents, businesses and community groups are urged to give their views on how crime prevention in the St Albans District can be further improved.

Grants available for community groups
Voluntary and community groups have eight weeks to apply for grants from a £55,000 fund operated by St Albans City and District Council.

Youth council forges ahead
Newly-appointed Youth Commissioners from the St Albans District are to help improve services for young asylum seekers and children in or leaving care.