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Performance, vision, policies, strategies and plans

Our Priorities

We are determined to put our residents, businesses, voluntary groups and other customers at the heart of everything we do. 

Our four key priorities, designed to deliver a viable, happy, inclusive and sustainable community, are to:

Support great communities,
Improve social housing provision,
Make the environment a priority in all our decisions,
Treat everyone with fairness.

Our Council Plan

Our Council Plan sets out our priorities for the coming period.

DLUHC Productivity Plan 2024/25

All councils have been asked to prepare a 'Productivity Plan' by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (now the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government). Ours can be seen at the link below.

Our Strategies and Policies

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Please view our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to understand how we work with the data to improve quality of life for our residents. See also our pages on Equality and Diversity.

Customer Engagement Strategy

Please view our Customer Engagement Strategy to understand how we work with the data to improve quality of life for our residents.

Local Code of Governance

The Corporate Governance framework comprises of the systems and processes, culture and values by which an organisation is directed and controlled. For local authorities this includes how a council relates to the community it serves.
Good Corporate Governance requires the Council to be open, transparent, effective, inclusive of all sectors of the community, accountable to the public it serves and to demonstrate integrity.

This Code is a public statement of the ways in which the Council will achieve good corporate governance.

Health & Safety Policy

This policy outlines how the council aims to provide a safe and healthy working environment for staff, visitors and contractors.

Whistleblowing Policy

Here at St Albans we are committed to the highest possible standards of openness and accountability. In line with that commitment, we encourage employees and others with serious concerns about any aspect of the Council's work to come forward and voice those concerns.

Pay Policy Statement 2024-25

We recognise the importance of having a clear written policy statement on pay in order to ensure that employees are fairly rewarded and there is a proper public accountability.

This Pay Policy Statement applies to all Council employees but not to other workers such as casuals, agency temps, etc. The provisions of this Policy Statement regarding transparency as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2014 Requirements also apply to any Senior Managers who are not employees but who provide their services under a 'contract for services'. 

This Pay Policy Statement will be reviewed each year and will be approved by the Full Council by 31 March of that year.

Corporate Prosecution Policy

Risk Management Policy and Strategy

Procurement Strategy

The Council’s immediate priority is to be able to achieve much more for less money. This is not about buying cheap, but through better forward planning, smarter engagement with markets, greater competition and managing subsequent contracts / relationships to ensure the right outcomes. It is also about supporting the Council’s sustainability work so that it is suitably targeted, achievable and measurable. This involves modernisation of policies, procedures and systems that underpin the Council’s approach to, and management of, third party spend.

This Strategy sets out how the Council intends to achieve this transformation by 2024.

Please see link for the Procurement Strategy.

Sustainable Procurement

Collectively, local authorities are one of the largest consumers of goods and services in the UK. St Albans City and District Council is committed to procuring its goods and services in a responsible and well considered manner to minimise impacts on the environment or people.

The Council's Sustainable Procurement Policy sets out our commitments and the principles that Council departments must apply throughout the procurement process. This includes buying goods and services, tendering new contracts, designing new buildings and renovating and maintaining existing buildings.

Find out more about sustainability

Conflict Minerals

Subject to procurement constraints, preference will be given to suppliers that are conflict mineral free or have clear policies and plans to become so.

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000

Covert surveillance and covert human intelligence sources policy and procedure guide.

What our residents think

In 2018 St Albans City and District commissioned a survey of a sample of residents to help inform how we deliver services best for our residents. The latest survey was undertaken between the 12 October and the 7 December 2018.

The Council's Performance

We monitor our performance carefully throughout the year to help us target where we need to make improvements to services, as well as identify where services are performing well. The council’s senior management and Service & Scrutiny Committees play an important role in this, looking at regular performance reports and challenging where services are not meeting the standards residents expect.

Our progress

Our quarterly performance reports are reported to each Service & Scrutiny Committee meeting.