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Your Councillors

St Albans City and District Council has 56 Councillors, also known as ‘Members’.

As of March 2025, the current political make up of the Council is as follows:

  • Liberal Democrat – 45 Councillors
  • Conservative – 4 Councillors
  • Green – 3 Councillors
  • Labour – 2 Councillors
  • Independent – 1 Councillor
  • Vacancy - 1 

Who are my Councillors? 

You can see a list of District Councillors at the links below. You can also search for a Councillor by name, ward, party or postcode.

District Councillors    Search for a Councillor

Other elected representatives

You are also represented by a Member of Parliament (MP) and a County Councillor, and may also be represented by members of a Town or Parish Council.

MPsCounty CouncillorsParish and Town Councils 

What is the Code of Conduct?

Your Councillors must comply within the Council’s Code of Conduct in Part 5 of the Constitution. This states how a member conducts the business of the authority, conducts the business of the office to which the person has been elected/appointed or acts as a representative of the authority.

Your Councillors must register financial and other interests within 28 days of election and declare relevant interests at a meeting.

How can I complain about a Councillor?

How can I complain about a Councillor? Toggle accordion

If you want to complain about the conduct of a member of St Albans City and District Council or a member of any parish or town council within the District, please download and complete a Councillor Complaint Form.

The completed form and any evidence in support of your complaint should be sent by post or email to:

Judith Adamson, Monitoring Officer 
St Albans City and District Council 
Council Offices 
St Peter's Street 
St Albans 
Herts AL1 3JE

Arrangements for Dealing with Complaints about Councillors Toggle accordion

These Arrangements set out how we will deal with complaints that a Councillor has not complied with the Code of Conduct. Please note that we can only deal with complaints about things that are covered by the Code of Conduct.

What is the role of the Council’s Standards Committee? Toggle accordion

You can view the role and responsibilities of the Council’s Standards Committee.

What are the Members Allowances and Expenses? Toggle accordion

You can view details of the Council’s Members’ Allowances Scheme in Part 6 of the Constitution. Details of the allowances and expenses paid to each councillor are published at the end of each financial year. 

How can I become a Councillor? Toggle accordion

Information on how to become a Councillor can be found on the website.