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Accounts, budgeting and spending

Statement of Accounts

The statement of accounts presents the financial position of the Council at the end of the financial year and its income and expenditure to the end of that year.  The Council’s financial year is 1st April to the 31st March.

The annual Statement of Accounts have to be certified by the Strategic Director - Customer, Business and Corporate Support (S151 Officer) and approved by the Audit Committee following the year end closure date of the 31st March. In addition, the Council’s external auditors are required to audit and ‘sign off’ the accounts by the end of September.

Statement of Accounts 2023/24 Toggle accordion

Unaudited draft Statement of Accounts 2023-24

Notice of Delay: 2022/23 Audited Statement of Accounts and public inspection period Toggle accordion

Under section 10 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (as amended), the Council is required to publish its draft annual Statement of Accounts by 31st May, and under the Local Audit & Accountability Act, the accounts are to be available for inspection by the public.

The delay in publishing the 2022-23 Draft Statement of Accounts was due to ongoing audit queries relating to the 2020-21 Statement of Accounts which has a consequential impact on the completion of later accounts. Although these queries are still to be resolved, the Council has decided it is appropriate to publish an initial draft of the 2022-23 Accounts.

The inspection period for the Council's 2022-23 Draft Statement of Accounts is 29th January to 8th March 2024, more details in the notice below.

Suzanne Jones

Strategic Director – Customer, Business and Corporate Support/S151 Officer

St Albans City & District Council, District Council Offices, Civic Centre, St Peters Street, St Albans, AL1 3JE

23rd January 2024

Delay in publishing audited Statement of Accounts for the years ended 31 March 2021 & 2022 Toggle accordion

Publication of St Albans City and District Council Statement of Accounts and Audit Opinion

The external audit of the draft statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 has not yet been completed by our external auditors, BDO LLP, due to the audit being postponed. And the external audit of the draft statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 has not yet started.

This situation is allowed for by Regulation 10, paragraph (2a) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015

Therefore, this notification explains, as per paragraph (2a), that we are not yet able to publish our audited 2020/21 and 2021/22 final statement of accounts in line with the deadline of 30th September, as per paragraph (1).

The Audit Committee will consider the results of the 2020/21 audit in the first meeting following its completion, after which, we will publish the final audited accounts as soon as practicable.

Appointment of new auditor from 2023-24 accounts Toggle accordion

Under Section 8(2) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Council must publish a notice relating to the appointment of its auditor.

At its meeting on 16 December 2022, the PSAA Board appointed KPMG LLP to audit the accounts of St Albans City & District Council for a period of five years, for the accounts from 2023-24 to 2027-28. This appointment is made under regulation 13 of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015.

Appointment of auditor from 2018-19 to 2022-23 accounts Toggle accordion

Under Section 8(2) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Council must publish a notice relating to the appointment of its auditor.

For audits of the accounts from 2018-19, Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited (PSAA) is responsible for appointing an auditor to principal local government and police bodies that have chosen to opt into its national auditor appointment arrangements. St Albans City & District Council opted into this arrangement.

At its meeting on 14 December 2017, the PSAA Board appointed BDO LLP to audit the accounts of St Albans City & District Council for a period of five years, for the accounts from 2018-19 to 2022-23. This appointment is made under regulation 13 of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015.

Statement of Accounts for previous years Toggle accordion

Notice of audit of Accounts Toggle accordion

Audit of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2021

External Auditors Toggle accordion

Annual audit letters for previous years

Spend over £250 Toggle accordion

Payments to suppliers

The reports below list specific payments greater than or equal to £250. Where the payment has been charged to more than a single service, the amount applied to each is shown separately.

This information’s publication forms part of the Council's commitment to being open and transparent.

This data is freely re-usable under the terms the Open Government License (OGL): 

OGL Website

If you would like to know more about the type of business conducted with these suppliers, please email We will endeavor to provide a response within seven working days. Our aim is to be as transparent as we can but in some cases we will need to respect information that could be seen as personally or commercially sensitive. Where a request for information exceeds the period for which information is currently published, it may be necessary to deal with it under Freedom of Information provisions.  

Invoices paid within 30 days Toggle accordion

Invoices paid within 30 days

Regulation 113(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (and as set out in Procurement Policy Note 03/16 issued by Crown Commercial Services) introduced the following publication requirements:

After March 2017, all in-scope organisations must publish, on an annual basis and covering the previous 12 months,

i) the percentage of their invoices received that are paid within 30 days of being established as valid and undisputed

ii) the amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment and

iii) the total amount of interest that the contracting authority was liable to pay (whether or not paid), due to a breach of Regulation 113.

Financial Yeari) Proportion of valid and undisputed invoices paid within 30 days in accordance with regulation 113ii) The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113iii) The amount of interest liable to be paid though not necessarily paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113


Members allowances and expenses Toggle accordion

Members' allowances and expenses - Yearly totals

You can view details of the Council's Members' Allowances Scheme in Part 6 of the Constitution.

Details of the allowances and expenses paid to each councillor are published at the end of each financial year and are set out below.

Council Budgets Toggle accordion

Financial profiles for previous years:

Building Control Trading Accounts Toggle accordion

Fees and Charges Toggle accordion

Services covered include:

  • Sport & Leisure Facilities

  • Planning

  • Register of Electors

  • Room Hire

  • Licensing

  • Car Parking

  • Halls & Theatres

  • Allotments

  • Pest Control

  • Housing Repairs

  • Building Regulations Control

  • Markets