Elections - Thursday 1 May 2025

Hertfordshire County Council elections are taking place on Thursday 1 May 2025.
There are ten county divisions in the district, and all county councillor seats are up for election.
Poll cards will be issued in late March and voters are asked to check to see which polling station they should attend as there may have been a change.
Make sure you're registered to vote
You must be on the electoral register in order to vote. If you've recently moved, it's important that you register at your new address. Visit our Electoral register and voting page for details of how to register. See the key deadlines section below for information on the registration deadline.
Voter ID
Voters are required to show photo ID when voting at a polling station. Visit our Elections Act and Voter ID page for more information.
Can't get to the polling station?
With the Easter bank holiday weekend (18 – 21 April) falling shortly before polling day, residents who are going to be away around the bank holiday or election may wish to apply for a postal or proxy vote. Postal vote packs are due to be despatched between 11 April and 22 April (depending on the date the postal vote was applied for) and must be completed and returned by 10pm on 1 May.
Visit our Electoral register and voting page for details of how to apply. See the key deadlines section below for information on the postal and proxy vote application deadlines.
Key deadlines
Don't lose your chance to vote. Below are the deadlines for registering to vote (if you're not already on the electoral register), applying for a postal vote, applying for a proxy vote, and (if you don't have photo ID) applying for a Voter Authority Certificate.
Deadline for: | Date: | Time: |
Registering to vote | Friday 11 April 2025 | Midnight |
Applying for a postal / postal-proxy vote | Monday 14 April 2025 | 5pm |
Cancelling or changing a postal / postal-proxy vote | Monday 14 April 2025 | 5pm |
Applying for a proxy vote | Wednesday 23 April 2025 | 5pm |
Applying for a Voter Authority Certificate | Wednesday 23 April 2025 | 5pm |
Applying for an emergency proxy vote | Thursday 1 May 2025 | 5pm |
Re-issuing lost or spoilt postal voting packs | Thursday 1 May 2025 | 5pm |
Election notices
Notices related to the 1 May 2025 elections will appear below.
A casual vacancy exists in the office of District Councillor for the Redbourn ward of St Albans City and District.
Finding your polling station
Shortly before an election, you will be sent a poll card which contains the address of your polling station.
Polling stations may change depending on the election. In the run-up to an election, you can also find details of your polling station by using Democracy Club’s polling station finder.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions about this election, please take a look at the questions below and on our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page. Information is also available on the Electoral Commission’s website.
If you can’t find an answer to your question below, please contact us.
Contact details
Email: elections@stalbans.gov.uk
Telephone: 01727 819294
I’d like to stand as a candidate; where can I find further information? Toggle accordion
The Electoral Commission’s Candidate or agent pages contain comprehensive guidance for candidates.
Nomination packs for the Hertfordshire County Council elections will be available below to download.
To assist with calculating candidate spending limits, the 1 March local government elector totals will be published below per county division.
Completed nomination papers can be submitted from Friday 21 March and must be received by no later than 4pm on Wednesday 2 April. Nomination papers must be delivered by hand to: the Deputy Returning Officer, Electoral Services, Main Reception, St Albans City & District Council, Civic Centre, St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3JE. Candidates are encouraged to submit their nomination papers for checking as early as possible so that there is time to correct any mistakes.
For further information, and to arrange an appointment to submit nomination papers, please contact Electoral Services on 01727 819565 / 819554 or elections@stalbans.gov.uk.
Who’s standing for election? Toggle accordion
Once the nomination period has closed (4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025), please see the "Statement of Persons Nominated" under the Election Notices section above.
Where can I find the results of the elections? Toggle accordion
Once the results have been declared, they will be published on our website. The results will also be displayed at: St Albans City & District Council Offices, Civic Centre, St Peters Street, St Albans, AL1 3JE.
Do I need photo ID to vote? Toggle accordion
To vote in a polling station, you will need to bring an acceptable form of photo ID. This requirement was introduced as part of the Elections Act 2022.
For more information about acceptable forms of photo ID, and what to do if you don't have photo ID, please visit our Elections Act and Voter ID page.
Why are some details pre-printed on my postal voting statement? Toggle accordion
The first two digits of your year of birth are pre-printed on your postal voting statement. The digits are pre-populated in the first two boxes of the year of birth based on your date of birth. This is done to assist electors to complete this section of the postal voting statement correctly.
Why have I received multiple postal vote packs? Toggle accordion
If you live in an area with multiple elections, you might receive a separate postal voting pack for each election / referendum.
Can I return my completed postal vote pack in person? Toggle accordion
If you aren't able to return your postal vote pack in time via Royal Mail, you can return it via reception at the Civic Centre offices (during office hours) or at your polling station on polling day.
You will only be able to hand in your own postal vote and the postal votes of up to five other people. Political campaigners can only hand in their own postal vote, and postal votes for up to five other people that are either close relatives, or someone they provide regular care for.
Anybody handing in a postal vote in person at the council offices or at a polling station must complete a short form.
I haven't received my postal vote pack, what can I do? Toggle accordion
Postal vote packs are usually sent out around two weeks before election day. If you've not received your postal vote pack by four working days before election day, contact Electoral Services on 01727 819294 or elections@stalbans.gov.uk. We can only issue a replacement before 5pm on election day.
What is a teller? Toggle accordion
A teller is a volunteer working for a candidate or a political party. They stand outside polling stations to record who has voted. They do not work for the Returning Officer.
Tellers can:
• Ask for your elector number
• Wear a small coloured rosette to show which candidate or party they work for
Tellers can't:
• Intimidate electors or demand their elector number
• Prevent electors from entering the polling station
• Attempt to influence how electors vote