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Planning Application Amendment Service

Amendments to current planning applications

When you make a change to your application after submitting it, this means that your case officer has to:

  • Reassess your proposed development
  • Update their officer report
  • Manage new plans and documents
  • Carry out more internal and public consultation

These changes mean that it takes longer to assess your application and to provide you with a decision. For this reason, we have introduced a charge for changes made to a planning application after it has been submitted.

This charge does not apply to applications where the pre-application advice service was used. Note that if the pre-application service was used, but the advice provided was not followed, then a charge may still be applied. 

How does this service work?

You can use this service if:

  • You want to make a change to a planning application after you’ve submitted it
  • You have been advised to make a change to your planning application by your case officer

Please wait until your application has been allocated to a case officer and discuss the changes with them prior to making any submissions.

Any amended plans or supporting information must be first agreed with the case officer and sent to the case officer. Any proposed changes as a result of consultee comments must also be made via the case officer. Any amendments that are not sent to and agreed with the case officer will not be considered as part of the application.

Please note this service is only available for householder and minor applications and associated applications (e.g. Section 73 applications and Discharge of Conditions).

What to do if you want to make an amendment Toggle accordion

You should contact your case officer to explain what changes you want to make to your application, and why you want to make these changes. Your case officer will consider the proposed changes and:

  • If your case officer considers that the proposed changes would not harm the likelihood of your application being granted planning permission, then they will explain what updated plans and documents you need to submit to support your planning amendment application; they will also advise you of the charge for using this service and details on how to pay.
  • If your case officer thinks that the changes you want to make would harm the chances of your application being granted planning permission, then they will not accept your proposed amendment.

What to do if you’ve been advised that you need to make an amendment Toggle accordion

Your case officer might contact you to ask you to make an amendment to your application.

The Council’s policy on accepting amendments to live applications is as follows:

If the application is:

  • Acceptable as submitted - we will approve without negotiation;
  • Unacceptable as submitted but only minor amendments are required which do not materially alter the proposal - we will seek minor amendments as long as further consultation is not required with neighbours or consultees and the amendments are received within the statutory period for determination or a short extension of time is agreed by the agent promptly.
  • Unacceptable as submitted but minor amendments are required to respond to issues identified. The invitation for amendments will be at the discretion of the case officer and will be determined on whether such amendments/further information can be submitted, further consultation undertaken and the case officer can consider the response within the statutory period for determination or with a short extension of time being agreed by the agent promptly; and
  • Unacceptable as submitted (including key supporting information being missing from the submission) e.g. contrary to policy or further consultation is required - we will refuse without negotiation.

The case officer will explain what changes you should make to your application and why they think the amendment is necessary. They will only suggest amendments to your application if they think it would be refused planning permission without the changes.

You have the option to:

  • Accept the suggested amendments, pay the charges and submit updated plans and documents to your case officer
  • Refuse the suggested amendments (and risk your application being refused planning permission)
  • Withdraw your application

Please note that amendments must be in line with the advice provided by the case officer.

What do you need to submit? Toggle accordion

You must include all the following information in your amendment request:

  • Your name
  • Your contact number
  • Your email contact
  • The application reference
  • A description of the proposed amendments
  • Reasons for the proposed amendments
  • Confirmation of a new extended deadline for determining your planning application as agreed with the case officer

If you’re making changes to the design of the development, then you will need to submit updated plans and drawings. You must clearly explain what changes you’ve made to your case officer. You might also need to submit updated supporting documents.

Please submit this information to in order that it is processed correctly by our Technical Support Team.

Any amended plans or supporting information must be first agreed with the case officer and sent to the case officer. Any proposed changes as a result of consultee comments must also be made via the case officer.  Any amendments that are not sent to and agreed with the case officer will not be considered as part of the application.

How long does the process take? Toggle accordion

Your case officer will discuss how much longer they think it will take them to assess your application based on the amendments you want to make. You can expect all amendment requests to add at least 14 days to the assessment time of your application (from the date that the amended information is provided and payment is received, whichever is the latest).

Your case officer might need to reconsult neighbours and statutory consultees. This will add at least a further 21 days to the assessment time.

Please note that amendment requests will not be accepted without an extension of time being agreed at time of submitting a request. Please agree a new determination date with your case officer in advance of using this service.

How to apply and pay Toggle accordion

Before you apply, you will need to discuss any amendments you want to make with your case officer. You can do this by email or by phone during our published contact times.

If your case officer accepts your request, they will send you an email confirming the required changes.

The charge for using this service is £240 (£200 + VAT).  The charge has been calculated on the basis of one set of amendments being submitted. Any further submissions/amendments would be subject to an additional charge. Please pay via our website Please ensure you enter your planning application reference on the online payment form so that we can match the payment to your current application.

Please note this service is only available for householder and minor applications and associated application (e.g. Section 73 applications and Discharge of Conditions).