Housing documents
HOU 005 SHMA 2015 Update Independent Assessment of Housing Needs and Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update (pdf - 8.77 MB)
HOU 006 SHMA 2015 Update Independent Assessment of Housing Needs and Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2012 Based Projections (pdf - 993.3 KB)
HOU 007 SHMA 2015 Update Independent Assessment of Housing Needs and Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update Supplementary Questions (pdf - 637.23 KB)
HOU 008 SHMA 2013 Independent Assessment of Housing Needs and Strategic Housing Market Assessment Report (pdf - 10.31 MB)
HOU 009 SHMA 2013 Independent Assessment of Housing Needs and Strategic Housing Market Assessment Errata Sheet (pdf - 16.67 KB)
HOU 010 Housing Growth and Forecasts Demographic Analysis and Forecasts October 2013 (pdf - 1.71 MB)
HOU 011 SHMA 2008 London Commuter Belt West Strategic Housing Market Assessment Report (pdf - 6.47 MB)
HOU 012 SHMA 2008 London Commuter Belt West Strategic Housing Market Assessment Executive Summary (pdf - 1.15 MB)
Gypsy and Traveller
HOU 022 Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment 2015 (pdf - 2.35 MB)
HOU 023 An Assessment of the Accommodation Needs of Gypsies and Travellers in South and West Hertfordshire 2005 (pdf - 986.96 KB)