Building control - Shared Service
St Albans District Council and Watford Council work in collaboration to deliver Building Control services across our areas. The benefits of our shared service allows us to respond faster and more efficiently to your needs using shared knowledge and experience.
Our building control team is here to give advice on buildings and building works to ensure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people using them. We offer a fast, proactive and customer-focused service within the City and District.
We aim to help achieve compliance with the building regulations in the most cost-effective manner, whilst maintaining the original design concept. We can give pre-application advice and work with you to develop your scheme, which can result in cost savings. We have close links with other Council services, including Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue. We can offer a development team approach, which is unique to Local Authority Building Control.
Contact us:
Building control surveyors carry out site visits Monday to Friday between 10.30am and 2.30pm
Important information – Approved inspectors
Approved Inspectors are required to carry Professional Indemnity insurance and Professional Liability insurance from a scheme provider approved by the Secretary of State for Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). One of these scheme providers is pulling out of the market leaving only one remaining provider.
While some Approved Inspectors have been able to transfer their policies, some haven’t been offered suitable cover. The CICAIR website includes details of insurances held by each Approved Inspector.
If your Approved Inspector hasn’t been able to transfer their policy or been offered suitable cover, and your project has commenced on site, then your building works will revert to us at St Albans District Council.
Please note: that the Approved Inspector you choose may not be local and the frequency of inspections may need to be determined
Service News

Local Plan for St Albans District is submitted for final examination
A Local Plan for the sustainable growth of St Albans District has been submitted to the Government today (Friday 29 November 2024) for examination.

Local Plan approved for submission to the Secretary of State, by St Albans City and District Councillors
A Local Plan for St Albans District’s future growth has been agreed by Councillors.

Help shape improvements on Victoria Street, St Albans
Hertfordshire County Council and St Albans City and District Council are collaborating with the local community to transform the route between the St Albans City station and city centre.

Consultation to open on whether draft Local Plan conforms to national planning policies
A technical consultation is to be held on whether a draft Local Plan for St Albans District has met all the necessary legal requirements.

Councillors to consider draft Local Plan for public consultation
Councillors at St Albans City and District Council will meet on Monday 23 September to consider the draft Local Plan and whether it should go forward for the technical consultation, known as Regula
Council speeds up its Local Plan process
The government is currently consulting on a revised National Planning Policy Framework which, should it be implemented fully, will have major implications for Local Plans, the blueprints for future

Local Plan for St Albans District remains on schedule
A blueprint for St Albans District’s future growth is on schedule with a public consultation to be held this autumn.

Council receives ‘designation’ for non-major planning applications
The Council has received a ‘designation’ for non-major planning applications
Council gains £100,000 grant to clear planning application backlog
St Albans City and District Council has gained a £100,000 Government grant to help clear
Statement on reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) at two of our properties.
RAAC roof planks were used in the construction many decades ago of two of our buildings, the William Bird and Abbey View sport pavilions.

Plan to enhance active travel is approved
A long-term plan to create better cycling and walking routes in St Albans District and encourage active travel has been agreed.

Local Plan consultation – still time to give your views
More than 1,500 people have already viewed a video providing information about the draft Local Plan for St Albans District.&

Give your views on a draft Local Plan for St Albans District
A public consultation on a draft Local Plan for St Albans District is to be launched – with residents, community groups and businesses all urged to give their views.

Council takes steps towards its Local Plan public consultation
St Albans City and District Council is moving forward with its Local Plan, preparing for its Regulation 18 public consultation later this summer.

Major progress being made with creating a Local Plan for St Albans District
Major progress has been made with the production of a Local Plan for St Albans District with a public consultation on key proposals scheduled to start this summer.

£300,000 award to improve planning service for residents
A £300,000 grant has been awarded to St Albans City and District Council’s planning team for an important digital project.