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Your Guide to Recycling

In St Albans District we would like to be a shining example of community recycling and this commitment has only been strengthened by the climate emergency declared in July 2019. Together with our partner Veolia, our aim is to increase recycling rates beyond the 60% we have already achieved.

Recycling, composting and reducing your waste is easy and can make a big difference to the environment. When rubbish is buried in landfill it releases harmful gases and liquids. It also means that precious resources that could otherwise be turned into new products are wasted.

Throwing waste into landfill costs over £100 per tonne. By recycling more we can also save money, which can be used for other important things. St Albans City and District Council is working with Veolia to provide all households in the District with a comprehensive multi-material recycling service. We’re working together to make it as easy as possible for you to recycle.

About your Household Collections

  • Kerbside collections are made weekly, or fortnightly depending on the materials that are being collected. 
  • You must place your containers or bags at the boundary of your property at 6am on your collection day. 
  • Please ensure that your bins are not overflowing, or we will not be able to collect them. Below is a table showing you what is collected in each bin.
What does the bin look like?What do you put in the bin? When is it collected?
Brown wheelie binHousehold waste that cannot be recycled Fortnightly at kerbside – on alternate weeks to household recycling
Purple refuse sacks (up to 3 per fortnight)
Black wheelie binMixed recycling (mixed plastics, cans, foil, glass bottles and jars)

Fortnightly at kerbside – on alternate weeks to household waste


Garden Waste is a subscription service

Green boxPaper and card
Green wheeled binGarden waste
Small green caddyFood wasteWeekly - at kerbside
Plastic bags Small electrical items and textilesWeekly - at kerbside


To find out when your recycling days are please follow this link and click on the calendar that applies to you. “link to rubbish collection days page 2.5”

About your flats recycling

Flats still get access to the same materials recycling as households, however you will have different containers for each of the materials depending on which flat block you live in. They will be labelled with each of the materials. Please make sure that you put the material in the correct bin.

St Albans recycling guide

We have produced a comprehensive recycling guide to give you all the information that you need to know about recycling in St Albans. 

Need help? 

When is my collection day?

When is my collection day? Toggle accordion

To find out when your recycling days are please follow this link and click on the calendar that applies to you. [link to page 2.3 “rubbish collections”]

I need more recycling boxes

I need more recycling boxes Toggle accordion

We supply the first three recycling boxes for free. If you want extra boxes you can buy these at £10.00 box / lid or £3.00 for the lid only.

I need more refuse bins

I need more refuse bins Toggle accordion

If your family consists of six or more full-time permanent residents, you are also able to apply for extra capacity. If you do not qualify for extra bins we are can work with you to help you find ways to reduce your waste.

I can't move my bins to the property boundary

I can't move my bins to the property boundary Toggle accordion

If you cannot move your waste or recycling to the boundary of your property, because of age or disability, we may be able to provide an Assisted Collection. To apply for an assisted collection please click here

I'd like to give feedback

I'd like to give feedback Toggle accordion

We welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us on the below details.