Translation of the Letters Patent of the seventh year of the reign of Edward VI
Abbot Ulsinus founded St Albans Market in 860 to generate income for the Abbey and to form the centre of a new town.
As part of the dissolution of the monasteries, Henry VIII closed the Abbey in 1539 and took possession of the market, it remained a crown property for the next fourteen years.
In 1553, Henry’s son Edward VI sold the right to hold the market to a group of local merchants and landowners. In the letters patent which recorded the sale, he also granted them the right to form the borough of St Albans. The Market has belonged to the Borough and its successors ever since.
Despite predating the first recorded royal charter by centuries, and despite the last transfer of ownership being by letters patent, it is locally known as The Charter Market.
From | To | Owner | Length of ownership |
St Alban’s Abbey | 679 years | ||
Henry VIII | 8 years | ||
Edward VI | 6 years | ||
present | Borough of St Albans and successors | 470 years and counting (as of ) |

Notes on the text
Original spelling | Amended spelling |
abovesaid | above said |
amerciaments | amercements |
deceipts | deceits |
howse | house |
serjeant | sergeant |
- Ad Quod Dampnum
- According to the harm.
- Amercement
- A non-statutory monetary penalty or forfeiture, usually applied at the discretion of a court.
- Chapelry
- The district attached to a chapel; a division of a large parish which has its own district chapel.
- Deodands
- Objects forfeited to the state (and supposedly to God) because they have caused the death of a person.
- Frankpledge
- A system of joint suretyship common in England throughout the Early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages. The essential characteristic was the compulsory sharing of responsibility among persons connected in tithings.
- Hanaper
- A bag or basket, kept in offices of the court of chancery to receive dues paid for the seals of charters, patents, commissions, and writs.
- Letters patent
- A legal instrument in the form of a published written order issued by a head of state, granting an office, right, monopoly, title or status to a person or corporation. Letters patent can be used for the creation of corporations or government offices, or for granting city status or a coat of arms.
- Messuages
- A piece of land occupied, or intended to be occupied, as a site for a dwelling-house.
- Picage
- Toll for breaking the ground for setting up booths or stalls at fairs, &c.
- Stallage
- The dues levied for the erection and use of a stall at a fair or market.
- Sumpteryard
- An area of St Albans Cathedral.
The text
Edward the Sixth by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and Supreme Head in earth of the Church of England and Ireland to all to whom these presents shall come greeting.
Incorporation of the Borough
Know ye that we at the humble petition of our beloved subjects the men and inhabitants of our town of Saint Alban in our County of Hertford for the better government and regulation of the same town and of the inhabitants thereof, being willing that our subjects the men and inhabitants of that town for their common benefit and advantage should be erected and incorporated into one body politic, of our special grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty have willed, ordained, constituted, decreed and granted and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do will, ordain, constitute, decree and grant that the said town of Saint Alban in our said County of Hertford be and shall be hereafter a free borough incorporate in deed, fact and name for ever of a mayor and burgesses by the name of Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Saint Alban in the County of Hertford and that the said Mayor and Burgesses of that borough be for the future one community and one body corporate and politic in deed, fact and name for ever by the name of Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Saint Alban in the County of Hertford to endure for perpetual future ages, and that the Mayor and Burgesses of the same Borough for the time being and their successors be arid shall be for ever hereafter one body corporate and one perpetual community in deed and name and have perpetual succession, and we do really and fully create, erect, ordain, make, constitute, declare and incorporate the said Mayor and Burgesses of themselves one community and one body corporate and politic by these presents;
And we do also will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors grant, constitute and declare that the bounds, limits, metes, circuits and precincts of the Borough aforesaid shall extend and stretch through the whole Borough of Saint Alban and through all the four wards of the same borough, that is to say the east ward shall extend to the bars in a certain lane called in English Sopwell Lane and the west ward shall extend to another lane called in English Kingbery Lane and the north ward shall extend to a certain limit there called in English the New Barrys and the south ward of the Borough aforesaid to the bars near the house or mansion of Ralph Rowlett knight called the New Barrys and that all and singular the messuages, houses, edifices, lands, tenements, wastes and soil whatsoever within the same bounds, metes and limits from henceforth be and shall be and shall be reputed as and to be parts and parcels of the said Borough of Saint Alban now by these presents erected and incorporated into a body politic;
Competence of Mayor and Burgesses to plead in King’s Courts; Common Seal: power to hold real estate
And we will and by these presents for us, our heirs and successors grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that they and their successors shall be competent and able by the name of Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Saint Alban in the County of Hertford to plead and be impleaded, sue and be sued, defend and be defended, answer and be answered in all courts and places of us and of our heirs and successors and in other courts and places whatsoever as well within this our kingdom of England as elsewhere within our dominions, as well in all and singular other actions, suits, plaints, causes and demands, real, personal or mixed, as in all and singular other causes, business and matters whatsoever, and the same Mayor and Burgesses of the borough aforesaid and their successors may and shall have a common seal for the doing and transacting of all their causes and business and that it may and shall be lawful for them and their successors at their pleasure to break, change and make anew the said seal, and that the same Mayor and Burgesses by the name of Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Saint Alban in the County of Hertford may and shall be able and competent in law to purchase, receive and take to them. and to their successors or otherwise lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, hereditaments, liberties, franchises, rights, jurisdictions and privileges whatsoever that are not immediately held of us in chief, so long as the said lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, liberties, franchises, rights, jurisdictions and privileges shall not exceed the yearly value of fifty pounds;
Common Council and admission of new Burgesses
And also we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do grant to the said Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that for the future there be and shall be ten men of the more discreet and honest men of the same borough of Saint Alban who shall be assistants and auxiliaries to the said Mayor of the said borough for the time being in causes and matters touching the same borough and who shall be and shall be called the Principal Burgesses of the same borough and shall be the Common Council of the said borough for statutes, acts and ordinances touching and concerning the public benefit and profit of the same Borough and of the inhabitants thereof for the time being to be done and effected from time to time by them or by the greater part of them with the Mayor of the said Borough for the time being for the better government and regulation of the men and of the causes, things and business of the said borough, and the said Mayor and ten Burgesses of the borough aforesaid may from time to time make, constitute and admit so many other Burgesses of the more suitable inhabitants of the said Borough as Burgesses of this same borough as they in their discretion shall think fit;
Power to make Statutes
And further we will and by these presents for us, our heirs and successors do grant to the said Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that they and their successors may by their Common Council or the greater part thereof have authority, power and faculty from time to time to appoint, constitute, ordain and make reasonable laws, statutes and ordinances for the government and regulation of the artificers of the Borough aforesaid for the time being and for the victuals of the same borough which shall be good and necessary for the common weal of the said Borough and of the country adjoining and for the better government of the same, so long as the laws, statutes and ordinances be not repugnant or contrary to the laws and statutes of our and our successors' kingdom or the prerogative of us, our heirs or successors;
Status of Justices of the Peace who are not tradesmen
We will also and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do grant to the said Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that all such persons as dwell or shall hereafter dwell in the Borough aforesaid and shall be justices of the peace there and within the Liberty of Saint Alban, not using or exercising any trade, occupation or victualling in the said Borough, shall not be accounted or understood to be any Burgess of the borough aforesaid nor concern themselves in any matters or causes in the same Borough otherwise than they may justly do by the authority and power of the commission of the peace of us our heirs or successors to them directed or to be directed, but that the same persons shall be and remain in all respects as foreigners from the said Borough and liberty;
And that in the said Borough of Saint Alban there may and shall be from time to time for ever one official who shall be called Steward of the same. borough to do and execute all and singular those things which belong and ought to belong to the office of Steward;
And that there may and shall be in the said Borough of Saint Alban from time to time for ever one official who shall be called Chamberlain of the said Borough of Saint Alban to do and execute such necessary business as is and shall be done and transacted by such official;
And that there may and shall be in the said Borough from time to time for ever two officials called Sergeants-at-Mace for the execution of precepts, mandates, arrests and other processes in the same Borough she them directed by the Mayor and other officials as the cause shall happen to require and necessitate;
Clerk of the Market
And that there may and shall be from time to time for ever one official who shall be Clerk of the Market within the said Borough of Saint Alban to do, exercise and execute all and singular the things within the same Borough which from time to time appertain and belong to the office of Clerk of the Market to be done and that the Clerk of the Market of the household of us and of our successors should and ought to act by reason and under pretext of his office and no other Clerk of the Market of us or of our successors may enter the aforesaid Borough, liberty and its district or concern himself with anything which belongs to the office of the same Clerk of the Market to do;
Burgesses of Parliament
And also we will and for us our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the said Mayor and Burgesses and their successors and ordain that there may and shall be in the said Borough two Burgesses of the Parliament cf us and our heirs and that the said Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors as often as and whenever the parliament of us our heirs or successors shall happen to be summoned, gathered or called together by virtue of the writ of us and our heirs for the election of burgesses of the parliament to be to them directed or otherwise for their election, they may and shall have the power, authority and faculty to elect and name two discreet and honest men to be Burgesses of the Parliament of us and of our heirs for the said borough and may send the same Burgesses so elected at the burden and charge of the said Borough and of the commonalty thereof to the parliament of us and of our heirs wherever it shall be then held in the same manner and form as has been used and accustomed in other boroughs of our Kingdom of England; which said Burgesses we will to be present and to act at the parliament of us and of our heirs at the burden and charges of the said Borough and of the commonalty thereof during the time that such parliament shall happen to be held in the like manner and form as other burgesses of the parliament for any other boroughs or borough whatsoever within our said Kingdom of England do or have been accustomed and ought to do; and which said Burgesses shall have at that our parliament their voices as well affirmative as negative and may do and execute there all and singular other things which any other burgesses or burgess of the parliament of us and of our heirs have, do and execute and may be able and competent to have do and execute in reason and in any other way whatever;
First Mayor named
And that all and singular the premises may be allowed their due and larger effect know ye that we of our more ample and larger grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty have assigned, nominated, made and ordained and by these presents do assign, nominate, make and ordain our beloved John Lokkey, an honest man and an inhabitant of the said Borough of Saint Alban, for and to be he first and present Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban and faithfully on his oath to execute the office of Mayor of the same Borough until the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next ensuing and from the same feast until another person be elected and in due manner sworn faithfully to execute that office; and him the said John Lokkey we do by these presents make, create, constitute and declare Mayor of the said Borough during the time afore-said;
Common Council named
And also we have assigned, nominated, made and ordained and by these presents do assign, nominate, make and ordain our beloved Thomas Johnson, Henry Gape, John Nonney, Robert Wanton, Thomas Mannyngham, James Assheford, Richard Sharpe, John Sybley, Ralph Done and John Spencer, inhabitants of the said Borough of Saint Alban, for and to be the ten Principal Burgesses of the same Borough, for and to be, on their. corporal oaths sworn before the aforesaid John Lokkey present Mayor aforesaid, the Common Council of that borough and we make, create, constitute and declare by these presents the same ten Principal Burgesses of that Borough and Common Council of the aforesaid Borough;
Chamberlain named
And also we have assigned, nominated, made and ordained and by these presents do assign, nominate, make and ordain our beloved William Hudson for and to be Chamberlain of the said Borough of Saint Alban and to execute the office of Chamberlain of the same Borough upon his corporal oath sworn before the aforesaid Mayor until the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next ensuing and from that feast until another person be elected and in due manner sworn faithfully to execute that office and the same William Hudson we by these presents make, create, constitute and declare Chamberlain of the aforesaid Borough during the aforesaid period;
Steward named
Also we have assigned, nominated, made and ordained and by these presents do assign, nominate, make and ordain John Maynard, Esquire, for and to be Steward of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the term of his life to exercise and execute upon his oath justice and other things which belong and ought to belong to the office of Steward and the same John Maynard we by these presents make, constitute, create and declare Steward of the aforesaid Borough during the same period;
Mayor to be Clerk of the Market and Mayor and Steward to be Justices of the Peace
And further we will and for us our heirs and successors do grant by these presents to the. aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that the Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being may and shall be for the future Clerk of the Market of the said borough of Saint Alban and that no other clerk of the market of us or of our heirs do in any way concern himself in such office there, and that the Mayor and Steward of the said borough for the time being with others by the commission or commissions of us, our heirs or successors may and shall for the future be Justices of the Peace of the same Borough to be assigned, nominated and authorized to inquire, hear and determine within the Borough of Saint Alban and precincts and liberty of the same on all things which pertain to Justices of the Peace occurring within the precincts of the aforesaid Borough in such ample manner and form as other Justices of our Peace in any county of our Kingdom of England may act or are accustomed to act or ought to act and that no other Justices of the Peace of us, our heirs or successors shall concern themselves there otherwise than is specified above;
Separate Jurisdictions of Borough Officers
And further we will and by these presents do for us our heirs and successors grant that the said Mayor, Justices of the Peace, Clerk of the Market and Chamberlain of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being and for tic future may and shall have separately such and such kinds of separate authorities and powers by reason and pretext of their individual offices and belonging and pertaining respectively to their individual offices as, which and in the same manner and form as mayors, bailiffs, justices of the peace, clerks of the market may wield in any other county, city, borough or town of this our Kingdom of England by our laws and statutes or in any other way whatever;
Town Hall
And further of our larger grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty we for us our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that a certain house within the said Borough called in the vulgar tongue the Charnell House, otherwise called the Town House, may and shall be the Common Hall and House of the said Mayor and Burgesses and their successors for ever as well for the holding of their meetings and assemblies as for holding and transacting all and all kinds of courts, pleas, causes, matters, councils and business whatever there from time to time as shall seem to them needful or fitting; the same house with its appurtenances we give and grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors for ever for the execution of the above said purposes;
Election of Mayor; refusal to serve; mayoral oath
And also of our larger grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty we do for us our heirs and successors by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that the Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being or the greater part thereof from time to time in every year for ever hereafter shall on the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle between the hours of nine and twelve before noon of the same day have power to meet and assemble in the aforesaid hall and house or in any other convenient place within the said Borough of Saint Alban and there they shall have authority to nominate and assign two men then being Principal Burgesses of the same Borough before other inhabitants of the same Borough then and there present with the intention that the other men and inhabitants of the same Borough then and there present or the greater part thereof may choose and have authority and power to choose one of those two Burgesses thus nominated and assigned to be nominated and assigned to the office of Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban and for and to be Mayor of the same Borough for the year then following; which man thus elected to the office of Mayor, after he has made and sworn his corporal oath in due form, shall bear the office of Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban for one year then coming, that is to say from the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel to the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and in that feast until another person elected to that office.has been in due form sworn faithfully to execute that office; and if anyone hereafter thus elected Mayor of the aforesaid Borough shall, after that election shall have been notified to him, refuse to take upon himself the aforesaid office without reasonable cause, then it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the aforesaid Borough and the ten Principal Burgesses of the aforesaid Borough or the greater part thereof to commit such person so refusing to the gaol to remain there until he is willing to execute that office or to impose a fine upon him as to them seem competent and to detain him in prison until he is willing to pay that fine to them and further we will and by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that any person hereafter elected to the office of Mayor of the aforesaid Borough of Saint Alban shall take and swear a corporal oath before his last predecessor in the same office, if the same predecessor be still living and shall be there present and, if the same his predecessor shall be dead or absent, then before the Steward and other Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban present there, for the faithful execution of the said office of Mayor of the Borough;
Replacement of Mayor on death or removal from office
And if and as often as it shall. happen that any person being Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban die or be removed from his office during the time that he is Mayor of the same Borough, that then and so often the Burgesses of that Borough for the time being or the greater part thereof shall have authority and power to meet and assemble in the said house and place or in any other convenient place within the aforesaid Borough on a certain day fixed beforehand within the eight days next following the death or removal of the said Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban and there shall have authority and power to nominate and assign two persons of the number of the aforesaid Burgesses of the same Borough in the presence of other inhabitants of the same Borough then and there present with this intention that the other men and inhabitants of the same Borough then and there present or the greater part thereof shall choose and shall have power and authority to choose one out of those two Burgesses thus nominated and assigned to be nominated and assigned to the office o Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban for and to one Mayor of the said Borough until the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming and from the same feast until a new Mayor shall have been elected and duly sworn faithfully to perform that office and that the same person so elected and any person so to be elected to be Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban shall take and swear a corporal oath before the Steward and other Capital Burgesses of the same Borough for the faithful execution of the said office of Mayor in the manner and form aforesaid;
Replacement of Chamberlain on death or removal from office
And we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successor grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that as often as and whenever it shall happen that the Chamberlain of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being shall die or be removed from his office of Chamberlain of the same Borough for any cause, that then and so often it may and shall be lawful for the Mayor and Burgesses of that Borough or the greater part of the same Burgesses for the time being from time to time within the four days next following the death or removal of the said Chamberlain when and whenever it shall please or seem expedient to them in the said house or in another convenient place, as is set forth above, within the same Borough on a certain day fixed beforehand by them at their pleasure to meet and there to nominate and elect one of the Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban for and to be Chamberlain of the same Borough and that every person thus nominated and elected from the time of such election shall be Chamberlain of that Borough during his life or otherwise as shall seem good and expedient to the Mayor and other Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban or to the greater pari thereof for the time being and that every person thus nominated and elected or to be nominated and elected to the office of Chamberlain of the said Borough of Saint Alban, shall take and swear a corporal oath before the Mayor and Steward of the same Borough for the time being well and faithfully to execute his office of Chamberlain of that Borough;
Replacement of Burgesses on death, residence outside the Borough or removal from office
And we will and for us our heirs and successors of our aforesaid grace, knowledge and our own bounty do by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that as often as and whenever it shall occur that any of the Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being shall die or live out of the said Borough or be removed from his office by the Burgesses of the same Borough for any cause, that then and so often it may and shall be lawful for the Mayor and Burgesses of that Borough for the time being from time to time when it shall please them or seem expedient to them within the eight days next following the death or removal of the said Burgess, in the said house or in another convenient place, according to their pleasure, to assemble and there to nominate and choose one or more of the other persons then. inhabitants of the said Borough of Saint Alban and not being Burgesses of the same Borough for and to be a Burgess or Burgesses of that Borough during his life and that every person thus nominated and chosen from the time of such election shall be a Burgess or Burgesses of that Borough during his or their life or otherwise if it should seem good and expedient to the Mayor and other Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being and that every person thus nominated and elected. or to be nominated and elected, to the office of Burgess of the same Borough Borough shall take a corporal oath before the Mayor of the same Borough well and faithfully to exercise and execute the office of Capital Burgess of that Borough;
Replacement of Steward on death or removal from office
And we will and do by these presents for us our heirs and successors grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that as often as and whenever it shall happen that the Steward of the said Borough for the time being shall die or be removed from his office of Steward of the same Borough for any reasonable cause that then and so often it may and shall be lawful for the Mayor and Burgesses of that Borough for the tine being and the greater part of the same Burgesses for the time being from time to time when and whenever it shall please them or seem expedient to them in the said common hall and house or elsewhere in a convenient place within the same Borough at their pleasure to assemble within the eight days next following the death or removal of the said Steward there to nominate and choose one other fit person, an honest man learned in the laws of England, for and to be Steward of the said Borough of Saint Alban during his life or otherwise as shall seem good and expedient to the Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being or to the greater part thereof and any person thus nominated and elected or to be nominated and elected to the office of Steward of the same Borough shall take and swear a corporal oath before the Mayor of the Borough for the time being well and faithfully to exercise, do and execute justice and other things which pertain to the office of Steward of that Borough, which Steward so elected and sworn shall be and shall continue personally in the office of Steward during his life;
Oath of Clerk of the Market
And we will and for us our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that the Clerk of the Market of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being shall take and swear a corporal oath before the Capital Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being or the greater part thereof well and faithfully to exercise and execute his office without any fear, gift, reward or favour;
Appointment of Sergeants-at-Mace
We will also and for us our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that the Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being from time to time whenever it shall please him shall nominate, choose and constitute two honest and fit persons for and to be Sergeants-at-Mace of the said Borough of Saint Alban while he the Mayor shall be in his office or while it shall be pleasing to him, for making, performing and executing proclamations, arrests, processes, executions and other things belonging or appertaining to the office of Sergeant-at-Mace within the Borough of Saint Alban in the same manner and form as Sergeants-at-Mace do and execute in our City of London, and that the same Sergeants-at-Mace thus nominated, constituted and chosen shall have authority to carry a mace, that is to say each of them one silver mace engraved with our arms within the limits and bounds above said during the time that they or each of them shall be in that office, and that any person thus nominated and elected or to be nominated and elected to the office of Sergeant-at-Mace of the said Borough of Saint Alban shall take and swear a corporal oath before the Mayor of the same Borough for the time being well and faithfully to exercise and execute his office of Sergeant-at-Mace;
Court of Record
And further we will and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty for us our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban that they and their successors may have and hold and have authority and power to have and hold a certain Court of Record before the Steward of the same Borough for the time being in the said house or other more convenient place in the same Borough on Wednesday in each week except the weeks of Easter, Whitsun and the time of Nowell called Christmas, and thus to be held from week to week for ever, and that the same Steward shall have full power and authority to hear and determine in the same court by plaints to be brought in the same court all and singular pleas, plaints and actions of all and all kinds of debts, accounts, covenants, contracts, trespasses by force and arms or otherwise done in contempt of us or our heirs, by covenants, detentions, contempts, deceits, prevention of distress and other things and actions whatsoever, personal and mixed, in any way arising or to arise, occurring or to occur, within the said Borough of Saint Alban and the limits, bounds and liberties of the same Borough, so long as the same debts, accounts, contracts, covenants, trespasses and other actions and pleas shall not exceed the sum or value of thirty eight pounds; and that the same Mayor and Burgesses and their successors upon such complaints, pleas, plaints and actions shall have power, authority and faculty to compel defendants against whom such plaints, pleas or actions shall happen to be brought or moved to answer the plea by summonses, attachments and distresses to be directed according to the custom used in our said City of London to the Sergeants-at-Mace for the time being of the aforesaid City or either of them, and for defect of chattels and lands of such defendants within the aforesaid Borough and the limits, bounds and liberties of the same where or by which they may be summonsed, attached or distrained, then by attachment or arrest according to the custom used in the said City of London; and all and singular the actions, complaints and plaints above-mentioned individually to hear and determine by similar processes, considerations, judgments and executions of judgments by which similar pleas are dealt with and determined in our said City of London and executions of processes and judgments are done and had by the aforesaid Sergeants-at-Mace or any one of them; and that the said Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors may and shall have and take for the use and profit of the commonalty of the same Borough all fines, amercements and other profits whatever which shall be levied in the aforesaid Court coming, arising, happening or occurring to the use and profit of the said Borough and of the same commonalty, as such fines, amercements and profits are levied in our said City of London; and we will and by these presents do for us our heirs and successors grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of our said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that they may and shall have cognizance of all and all manner of pleas, plaints, and actions of debt, accounts, trespasses, covenants, detentions, deceptions and any kind of other pleas and plaints, personal or mixed, ordained and provided for by common law or by any statute for any causes whatsoever emerging within, touching or concerning the Borough of Saint Alban, the limits, bounds and liberties of the same (except for informations and popular actions on any statute or statutes) so long as the declaration of any such causes, pleas, plaints or actions does not exceed the sum of thirty eight pounds, as well before us, our heirs, or the justices of us and our heirs in Common Pleas as other justices of us or our heirs at the Assizes in the County of Hertford or elsewhere taken or to be taken, assigned or to be assigned, or before other justices of us and of our heirs appointed or to be appointed, in any wise arising or happening or later to arise or happen within the said Borough of Saint Alban or the bounds, limits and liberties of the same whence cognizance belongs or in any way ought to belong to us or to our heirs or to the courts of us or of our heirs, by the aforesaid Mayor of the said Borough of Saint Alban and his successors or his or their attorney or attorneys before such justices from time to time as the case arises to be challenged and before the Steward of the said Borough of Saint Alban and his successors of the same Borough within the said Borough of Saint Alban as and where it shall please them to be held and determined within the same Borough; and that the same Steward of the Borough of Saint Alban for the time being may hear and determine all and singular those things according to the right and the laws, statutes and customs of this our Kingdom of England from time to time within the said Borough of Saint Alban, and that no justice of us or of our heirs, Barons or Baron of the Exchequer of us or of our heirs, Steward or Marshal or Clerk of the Market of the household of us or of our heirs, Sheriff or other officer of us or our heirs shall in any way enter the said Borough of Saint Alban, in any wise concern themselves or any of them concern himself with the affairs of the same Borough or any part thereof, nor with any pleas to be held there or arising or to arise within the said Borough of Saint Alban, nor with any kind of jury or juries, panel or panels, any kind of causes or matters whatever arising or to arise within, concerning, touching or to concern the Borough and limits, bounds and liberties of the same, not exceeding the sum of thirty eight pounds; nor in the same way any other person except the Steward and Officials of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being for ever;
Borough Gaol
And we will and by these presents do for us our heirs and successors grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that they may and shall have a certain gaol within the same Borough for keeping safe the felons and other malefactors whatsoever taken or to be taken within that Borough until they be delivered therefrom according to the laws and customs of our Kingdom of England, and that the Mayor and Steward of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being shall be placed on every commission of us our heirs and successors and may and shall be commissioners with other commissioners of us our heirs and successors for delivering and assigning the gaol of the aforesaid Borough and the liberties Af the same from the prisoners being and to be therein, and that no Keeper or Justice of the Peace or of Gaol Delivery of us our heirs or successors of our County of Hertford may enter the said Borough, precincts or liberty of the same or concern themselves with anything belonging or pertaining to the Justices of Gaol Delivery or Justices of the Peace from any cause whatever arising or happening within the said Borough of Saint Alban, the precincts or liberties thereof; and that the Sergeants-at-Mace of the said Borough of Saint Alban and other servants of the said Borough for the time being shall from time to time make, return and convey all juries, panels; inquisitions, attachments and writs to the aforesaid Justices for the Delivery and Assignment of that Gaol and they shall perform and execute precepts, mandates, warrants and judgments of the same Justices in all things in the same manner and form os any sheriff or sheriffs of any county or counties of our Kingdom of England assign, make, return or execute such judgments regarding the Peace or Gaol Delivery;
Assize of bread, wine and ale and supervision of weights and measures
And moreover we will and for us our heirs and successors do by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that they may and shall have within the same Borough of Saint Alban and the bounds and liberties of the same assay and assize of bread, .wine and ale and other victuals, also of all measures and weights whatsoever and the emendation and correction thereof and of all other things pertaining or belonging to the office of Clerk of the Market of the household of us or of our heirs, together with fines and corrections of the same and anything which pertains to that office to be done or performed as often as and when it shall be expedient and necessary and that they may and shall have fines, redemptions and amercements and all other profits issuing therefrom to the use and profit of the commonalty of the said Borough of Saint Alban;
View of Frankpledge
And further know ye that we of our larger grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty have given and granted and do by these presents for us, our heirs and successors give and grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors view of frankpledge of all and singular the inhabitants and residents as well wholly resident as not wholly resident within the said Borough of Saint Alban and within the said limits and bounds of the same for the time being and from time to time for ever and all things pertaining and belonging or which shall belong and pertain or ought to pertain and belong to view of frankpledge in the aforesaid common hall or house within the said Borough of Saint Alban or in any other convenient place there to be held every year twice in the year, that is to say at one time within the month next after the feast of Saint Michael and at another time within the month next after the feast of Easter before the aforesaid Mayor and Steward of the aforesaid Borough or before the Steward of the same Borough for the time being alone;
Weekly markets, annual fairs and Court of Pie Powder
And we will and by these presents do for us our heirs and successors grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that they the Mayor and Burgesses and their successors may nave and hold and shall have authority and power to have and hold for ever one market on each Wednesday and on each Saturday in every week except in the time of Nowell called Christmas to be held it the said Borough of Saint Alban and three fairs to be held and kept there annually, that is to say one of the said fairs at noon on the day before the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary until noon on the day after the said feast then next following and the second of the same fairs to begin at noon on the day before Saint Alban and to last from that time until noon on the day after the same feast then next following and the third of the same fairs to begin at noon on the day before the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and from that time to last until noon on the day after the same feast then next following, together with a Court of Pie Powder to be held there and all things which pertain to - a Court of Pie Powder during the time of the same fairs, together with stallage, picage, fines, amercements and all other profits, commodities and emoluments whatsoever proceeding, occurring, arising or happening to such market, fairs or Court of Pie Powder and with all liberties and free customs pertaining or belonging to such market and fairs to be converted to the proper use, behoof and benefit of the said Mayor and Burgesses and their successors and the commonalty of the said Borough of Saint Alban for the time being;
Return of Writs
And we will of our larger grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty and do by these presents for us our heirs and successors grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the aforesaid Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that they and their successors for the time being may and shall have return as well of assizes as of all and all manner of writs, precepts, bills, mandates and warrants of us, our heirs and successors, also summonses, estreats and precepts of the Exchequer of us, our heirs and successors and estreats and precepts of the itinerant Justices of us, our heirs and successors, both of Forest Pleas and of Common Pleas and of all other Justices whatsoever; also attachments both of Pleas of the Crown and of others in the said Borough, the precincts and liberty thereof and the plenary execution of the same, so long as no Sheriff, Bailiff or other servant of us our heirs and successors shall enter the said Borough, suburb, liberties or precincts of the same for : any office or to do anything connected therewith unless by default of them the Mayor and Burgesses or their successors;
Waifs, felons, fugitives, outlaws and strays
And that the same Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors may and shall have, and shall have authority and power to have, for the use of the commonalty of the Borough, the goods and chattels of waifs, the goods and chattels felons and fugitives and suicides and of other outlaws or of persons in any other way condemned or convicted, deodands and strays whatsoever arising, happening or occurring from time to time within the said Borough of Saint Alban and within the said limits and bounds of the same;
Freedom from jury service outside Borough
And also we will and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty do for us our heirs and successors by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors that the said Mayor and Burgesses or any of them or any of those dwelling within the said Borough of Saint Alban and within its limits and bounds aforesaid shall not at any time hereafter for ever be put or empanelled nor shall any of them be put or empanelled on any inquisitions, juries, assizes or arrays prosecuted or to be prosecuted concerning any cause or matter arising, happening, occurring or continuing outside the same Borough or outside the limits of the same Borough but only in such thing, matter or causes arising, growing, proceeding, occurring and continuing within the said Borough of Saint Alban or within the bounds and limits of the same;
Former Monastery church to be parish church of St Albans
And further know ye that we as well for the sum of forty pounds paid for our use by the inhabitants of the said Borough as of our larger grace, of our certain knowledge and our own bounty do for us our heirs and successors by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that the church lately of the Monastery of Saint Alban in the said Borough of Saint Alban be and shall be hereafter the parish church and shall be called the Parish Church of the Borough of Saint Alban and that church we make, ordain, constitute, declare and create by these presents hereafter for ever the parish church of Saint Alban of the said Borough of Saint Alban and that that church be and shall be hereafter the parish church for all those dwelling within the late parish or chapelry of Saint Andrew within the said Borough of Saint Alban who now are and who hereafter shall be there for ever, and that all and singular the messuages, houses, buildings, lands, tenements, wastes, subsoil and soil whatsoever within the former parish or chapelry of Saint Andrew of the said Borough of Saint Alban hereafter be and shall be and shall be reputed as and to be parts and parcels of the said parish of Saint Alban of the said Borough of Saint Alban aforesaid erected and created by us by these presents and previously the church of the said late Monastery, and all and singular the walls, structures, buildings, roofs, leads, iron, glass and bells of the same church and the land and the soil of the same and all the chapels, vestries, and the Sumpteryard there on the site of the late parish church of Saint Andrew there and the surrounding land of the same lately pertaining to the same late church we by these presents do give and grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors;
And we will and by these presents do grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses and their successors that in the same church of Saint Alban there be and shall be from time to time for ever a Rector who shall make his residence there and have cure of the souls of the parish and shall for the time being administer the sacraments and sacramental observances to the parishioners and shall perform and execute there all and singular the other things that pertain and are known to pertain to the office of rector of other parish churches of this our kingdom;
First Rector named; his stipend
And know ye that we of our special grace and our certain knowledge• and our own bounty have made assigned, created and nominated and by these presents do make, assign, constitute, create and nominate our beloved George Wetherall, clerk, first and present Rector of the church of Saint Alban to have to the same George for the term of his life and we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do grant to the aforesaid George Wetherall and his successors rectors of the said church of Saint Alban that they may and shall have and shall have authority and power to have and enjoy in right of the same church all and all manner of tithes, both greater and lesser, and all tithes and oblations and other ecclesiastical rights and profits whatsoever arising, growing and renewing within the parish of Saint Alban aforesaid annually from time to time for ever, which tithes, oblations, rights and ecclesiastical profits now extend to the clear annual value of ten pounds;
Taxation of Rector’s stipend
And further we will and by these presents grant for us our hers and successors to the aforesaid George Wetherall now Rector there and to his successors rectors there that the rectory of the said parish church of Saint Alban and all the aforesaid tithes, oblations and profits as are above said to belong and pertain thereto shall be taxed on the payment of First Fruits and Tenths and now we tax them at the annual value of ten pounds and we will and by these presents grant to the aforesaid Rector and his successors that the said George Wetherall now Rector of the same church of Saint Alban and his successors Rectors of that church shall be charged with the payment of Tenths thereof at twenty shillings a year only and no more and that the successors of the same Rector shall be charged with the payment of First Fruits of the same rectory at ten pounds and no more as often as such First Fruits. may and shall be due to be paid, any law, statute or provision to the contrary heretofore had, made or provided or any other thing, cause or matter whatsoever to the contrary not withstanding;
Advowson of Rectory of St Albans and other properties to be held in burgage
And further of our wider grace, certain knowledge and our own bounty we have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors the advowson, donation, presentation, free disposition and right of patronage of the rectory and parish church of Saint Alban aforesaid to have, hold, enjoy and receive all and singular the aforesaid view of frankpledge, courts, fines, amercements, markets, fairs, church, advowson and all and singular the other premises with their appurtenances, appendages and incidents whatsoever to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors for ever, to hold of us our heirs and successors by fealty only in free burgage of the said Borough of Saint Alban for all tenths and demands and not in chief and yielding thence annually to us our heirs and successors ten pounds of legal money of England in the name of fee-farm to be rendered, paid and made in any manner to us our heirs and successors therefor at our court of Augmentation and Revenue of our Crown at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel only in every year to be paid for all rents, services and demands whatsoever and without account or any other thing;
Proviso that Justices of the Peace of the Liberty of St Albans may have gaol and hold sessions within Borough
Provided always and we will and by these presents grant. that, notwithstanding these our letters patent and our grants contained therein, the Justices of us and of our heirs and successors assigned from time to time or to be assigned to keep the Peace within the Liberty of Saint Alban in the County of Hertford and to hear and determine trespasses and other misdemeanours perpetrated and to be perpetrated within the same Liberty and outside the said Borough of Saint Alban and outside the said limits of the same may and shall have authority and power to have their gaol within the said Borough of Saint Alban there to keep safe felons and other malefactors taken and to be taken within the said Liberty of Saint Alban outside the said Borough of Saint Alban and outside the said limits and bounds of the same Borough until they be delivered according to the law and custom of our Kingdom of England, and that the same Justices of the said Liberty of Saint Alban outside the said Borough of Saint Alban and outside the limits and bounds of the same town may hold and keep and from time to time and shall have authority and power to hold and keep their Sessions of the Peace and of Gaol Delivery within the said Borough of Saint Alban and that they may come there with all bailiffs, constables and all their other officials and servants whatsoever and with such other persons as are summoned to Sessions and Gaol Deliveries in the same manner and form as they have heretofore done and been accustomed to do, anything contained in these presents to the contrary notwithstanding;
Remission of first Rector’s First Fruits
And also of our larger grace we have given, granted, pardoned and remitted and do by these presents for us our heirs and successors give, grant, pardon and remit to the aforesaid George Wetherall now Rector of the said church of Saint Alban his executors and administrators all and all manner of First Fruits of the said rectory and church of Saint Alban and all and all manner of sum and sums of money now due to us for that rectory for First Fruits thereof for this time only by reason and pretext of our grant and institution to the said rectory and church of Saint Alban made as aforesaid by these presents willing therefore and by these presents firmly enjoining and commanding as well the Chancellor and Council of our Court of First Fruits and Tenths as the Treasurer of the Court and all and singular the other officials and servants of us our heirs and successors whatsoever of the same Court that they and every one of them upon only the showing of these our letters patent or the enrolment of the same without any other writ or warrant from us, our heirs or successors that they make and allow by virtue of these our letters patent full, entire and due allowance, abatement and manifest exoneration of such First Fruits and of all sums of money whatever and of all sum of money whatever now due or payable to us in the above form for the same rectory for this lime only, and these our letters patent or the enrolment of the same shall be sufficient warrant and exoneration in this case to the Chancellor and Council and Treasurer and to the other officials of our said Court of First Fruits and Tenths;
Grammar School
And further of our larger grace and of our certain knowledge and our own bounty we have given and granted and by these presents we do give and grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and their successors full power, authority and faculty to erect a grammar school within the said church of Saint Alban or in another convenient place within the said Borough of Saint Alban, to make, ordain and constitute suitable and wholesome statutes and ordinances in writing concerning and touching the order, government and direction of the schoolmaster of the same school for the time being and the wages and salaries of the said schoolmaster, also to make and appoint an assistant master of the aforesaid school and other things touching and concerning the same school, so long as the same statutes and ordinances be not to the prejudice of us our heirs or successors nor contrary to the laws, statutes and ordinances of our Kingdom of England which statutes and ordinances are thus to be made; we will, grant and by these presents order and command that they are to be observed inviolably from time to time for ever;
Statute of Mortmain suspended in favour of Corporation who may purchase properties up to £40 value, not held in Chief
And further know ye that we, in consideration that the said Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Saint Alban and their successors may and better sustain and support as well the burdens of the same Borough as of the said school, schoolmaster and assistant master thereof, of our special grace, certain knowledge and our own bounty we have granted and given licence and by these presents for us our heirs and successors as much as in us lies do grant and give licence to all our subjects and liege people whatsoever and to every body corporate or politic whatever that they or every one of them shall have authority and power lawfully and without fear of punishment give, grant, sell, alienate or devise to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban and all their successors for ever any manors, rectories, messuages, lands, tenements, tithes, rents, reversions, services or other possessions, revenues or hereditaments to the annual value of forty pounds or less in the aforesaid County of Hertford or elsewhere within our Kingdom of England or in Wales or anywhere else within our dominions, so long as they are not held of us in chief, and in the same way we give and grant our special licence by these presents to them and to their successors for ever that the Mayor and Burgesses and their successors have authority and power lawfully and without fear of punishment hereafter to have, receive and take such manors, rectories, messuages, lands, tenements, tithes, rents, reversions, services, possessions, revenues or hereditaments to the annual value of forty pounds or less of, for us, our heirs and successors or of any body corporate or politic or of any our subjects and liege people, so long as before each such gift, sale or purchase there be a writ of Ad Quod Dampnum returned to the Court of the Chancellor of us and our successors, the Statute for not putting lands and tenements into Mortmain or any other statute or ordinance or provision to the contrary thereof heretofore had, made, promulgated, ordained or provided or any other thing, cause or matter of any kind not withstanding;
We give also and by these presents grant to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Saint Alban all and singular the issues, rents, revenues and profits of all and singular the properties above mentioned hitherto issuing and growing by us granted by these presents with all their appurtenances from the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel last past to have to the same Mayor and Burgesses without any account or any other thing to be rendered, paid or made thence to us, our heirs or successors;
And also we will and grant by these presents to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses that they may and shall have these our letters patent under our Great Seal of England in due form made and sealed without rendering, paying or making any fine or fee great or small to us in our Hanaper or elsewhere to our use in any way although no express mention be made of the true yearly value or of any other value or certainty of the aforesaid properties or of any one of them or of other gifts or grants made before these times by us or by any of our progenitors to the aforesaid Mayor and Burgesses or to any of them;
In witness whereof we have caused these our letters patent to be made Witness myself at Westminster the twelfth day of May in the seventh year of our reign .