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Roadside Grass Verge Cutting 2024

In 2024 the road side grass verge cutting on highway verges will be carried out between March and October. The cut for the whole District takes approximately 15 working days to complete which means the verges will be cut one to two times a month during the growing season depending on the growing conditions.

This equates to approximately 9 cuts per season.

Our teams operate with a strimming every other cut only. This means we will not cut around obstacles when we are not operating with strimmers.    The table below will show which grass cutting routes are currently operating with strimmers.

We do not trim around trees at all.  

Use the Highway Grass Verge Road Road Cutting List name list to identify which cutting route your road is on and the day you can expect the grass on your road to be cut.

The Day of Cut number is based of the start date of a cut on the table below.

Status update June 2024 Toggle accordion

In the 2024 grass cutting season, there was a change in the specification that St Albans City & District Council requires our grounds’ maintenance contractor to work to.  This included not strimming around trees (due to the damage strimmer’s were causing to the bark) and secondarily, that the strimmer operatives would cut on every other cutting cycle only. 

Due to the very wet conditions experienced this winter and in March and April, our grounds maintenance contractor could not bring machinery onto the grass as it would cause excessive damage. This, along with the new specification and the high grass growth rate (which we are experiencing at present) has left the edges, around signs and lamp columns looking very tatty. We also acknowledge that there have been some teething problems with the new way of working and this has extended the time to complete a round. 

We have spoken to the contractor and have reiterated that the standards are below what is expected especially around the quality of the cut and clearing the grass from paths and road gullies. The Council recognises that these factors have not been ideal, but we would like to assure you that these areas will be picked up during the next cut and tidied up. 

St Albans City & District Council apologises for this situation and our teams are working very hard to turn this around.

Thank you for your patience.

Cutting RouteArea Current Cut Number Strimming during this cut?Start DateEstimated Finish dateStatus
Route 1 Harpenden, Wheathampstead and Sandridge





Day 9

Route 2Colney Heath, London Colney, Bricket Wood and Park Street





Day 10

Route 3Redbourn, North and East St Albans 





Day 3

Route 4South and West St Albans





Day 4

Updated 24/6/24

You can check which verges we maintain on behalf of Hertfordshire County by clicking the button below.

Map showing which verges we cut

If you spot an error with the grass verge mapping please report it and we'll look into it.

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