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Assets of Community Value

The Localism Act 2011 enables parish councils and community groups to ask their local authority to list land or buildings as an Asset of Community Value. Both privately and publicly owned assets may be nominated if they meet the statutory criteria set out below. 

A building or land in the local planning authority’s area will be listed as an Asset of Community Value if in the opinion of the local authority:

  • Its current primary use of the building or land or use of the building or land in the recent past furthers or has furthered the social wellbeing or social interest of the local community. 
  • It is realistic to think that now or in the next five years there could continue to be primary use of the building or land to further social wellbeing or social interests of the local community (whether or not in the same way)

If a nomination is successful, the asset will be added to the Council’s list of Assets of Community Value. If the owner wishes to make a ‘relevant disposition’, community groups have the opportunity to submit an expression of interest during the six week interim moratorium period. They will have six months to prepare a bid to acquire the asset.

The owner must wait until the end of the full moratorium period before disposing of the asset and is under no obligation to sell to the community group. There is a protected period for the owner of 18 months from the time the owner notified the local authority of their intention to sell where no further moratorium can be imposed.
If a building is listed as an Asset of Community Value this may be a material consideration if the owner applies for a change of use.

Making a nomination 

If you would like to make a nomination for land or buildings within the district, please complete the nomination form below. 

Please refer to the Council’s Guide to Assets of Community Value note below for further information about making a nomination below.

If the local authority owns the building or land, the community groups may wish to consider Community Asset Transfer.  Click here for further information about Community Asset Transfer.  

Review of decisions

The owner of land included in a local authority’s list of assets of community value has the right to request a review of the decision to list the land. Further guidance on requesting a review can be found below. 

The review hearing will be conducted in accordance with the Council’s Review Hearing Procedure. 

Further guidance 

The Localism Act 2011 and  Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012 sets out the following: 

  • The groups that can make nominations;
  • Premises exempt from being listed;
  • Rights of landowners; and 
  • Transactions which are exempt from the moratorium period. 


Red Cow Public House: