Pests and animal welfare
A pet that is loved, well cared for and properly trained can provide great enjoyment and companionship but any pet can also be a nuisance if the owner behaves irresponsibly or inconsiderately. Our Animal Welfare team takes the wellbeing of pets very seriously. However, we all have a responsibility to ensure that all animals, not just pets, are treated humanely and the following sections should help answer your questions. A further useful list of information for all pet owners is on the Blue Cross Website.
Unwanted animals
St Albans & City District Council does not accept animals for re-homing or euthanasia. Local organisations that may be able to help are:
- Blue Cross: the national website offers extensive information. Their Hertfordshire animal rehoming website is here, or call them on 0300 777 1490
- National Animal Welfare Trust is based in Watford. Telephone 0208 950 0177.
- RSPCA: the nearest animal rehoming centre is their Southridge Animal Centre, tel 0300 123 0704 (Please note that for animals in distress you should call the RSPCA 24hr helpline on 0300 1234 999)
Sick or injured animals, or animals subject to cruelty
- If you are worried about a sick or injured animal or concerned about possible cruel behaviour towards an animal, you should telephone the RSPCA on their 24-hour national helpline: 0300 1234 999. If possible, also use the guidance and checklist on their website which will help you provide the maximum information to inform their response.
- If it is safe or practicable to do so, you could take the animal to your local veterinary surgery.
- If you need help in paying for the treatment of a sick or injured animal, the PDSA (Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals) may be able to help. Visit the PDSA website or call 0800 731 2502 (for your own pet) or 0800 917 2509 (other enquiries)
Removal of dead animals
- If you discover a small dead animal (e.g. fox, dog, cat etc.) in your garden, please put the animal in a bin bag on the boundary of the property and let us know. Call 01727 809019 or email Veolia will come to collect the animal as soon as possible. If it is a domestic animal, we will scan for a microchip to locate the owner where possible.
- Dead pigeons or rats can be double wrapped in bin bags and placed in your domestic bin for collection.
- To report a large dead animal (e.g. a horse) on the side of the road, please call 01727 819478 or email . Arrangements will be made with a slaughter house to collect.
- You can use the same contact details to report and request collection of roadkill (pets or wild animals seen dead on the roads).
- If you are involved in road accident with one of several specified animals, including dogs and horses, you must tell the police, whether or not the animal has been killed. Call the police on 101 (only use 999 if a person is in immediate danger) or St Albans Police Station on 0845 33 00 222.
Caring for other people’s animals
- You do not need a licence for dog walking or looking after other people’s dogs or cats in their own home.
- You do need a licence from the Council if you provide care and/or accommodation for other people’s animals at premises you use. Regulations fall under the The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018. Licence details can be found here.
Dog-walking / feeding / kennels Toggle accordion
- You do not need a license to walk dogs or to look after dogs in their own homes.
- You do need a licence from the Council you provide care and/or accommodation for other people’s animals at your own premises. Regulations fall under the The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.
Lost/found/stray dogs Toggle accordion
Lost dogs
- If you have lost your dogplease contact our contractor, SDK Environmental Limited, on 03444 828 300, selecting Option 1. SDK will require a good description of your dog, including whether it is chipped, and your name and address. These details will then be matched with any reported strays or collected dogs.
- SDK (Environmental) Ltd has a website that displays details of found dogs that have been collected on behalf of the Council. Use this to see if your dog has been picked up.
- To report lost and found dogs you can also use , and
Found dogs
- Stray dogs found within the jurisdiction of SADC and in the possession of a member of the publicwill be collected from an address within this District by our contractor SDK Environmental Ltd. Animals that are not kept on a lead or confined will not be collected. Where a dog seems dangerous and cannot be contained, seek advice from the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or from the police on 101.
- St Albans City and District Council has a responsibility for dogs that are causing a nuisance or appear to be a stray. For help or advice please contact SDK Environmental Limited on 03444 828 320.
- When the Council collects a stray dog, it will be taken to the Council designated kennels and kept there. If after the statutory 7-day period the owner has not come forward, then the dog will be re-homed.
- When a dog is claimed by its owner, the owner is required to pay all costs incurred by the Council including kenneling costs. Once payment has been received then arrangements will be made for you to collect the dog or we can return the dog to its owner for a charge as detailed below. You can make a payment by calling SDK Environmental Limited on 03444 828 300 between the hours of 9am to 5pm, seven days a week. Please have your debit or credit card ready to make payment.
Statutory fee: £25
Admin fee for dogs not or incorrectly microchipped: £72
Admin fee for dogs correctly microchipped: £44
Deliver back to owner: £75
Kennel fee per day: £30
If your dog has required veterinary treatment, you will be required to cover those costs.
Dangerous dogs Toggle accordion
- The Police retain duties for dealing with dangerous dogs and dogs found to be worrying livestock. This includes dogs that are running in the road or preventing entry or access to any property.
- If you are concerned about a dangerous or banned breed of dog (American 'Pit Bull' Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brazeiliero or breeds of these dogs).
Contact the police by calling 101
For more information regarding dangerous dogs please visit Additional useful information can be found on the Blue Cross website.
Noise from barking dogs Toggle accordion
If you are experiencing problems with noise nuisance from barking dogs then please contact the Environmental Compliance Team within the Regulatory Services department on 01727 819 406 or email for further advice.
For dog owners seeking advice about barking dogs please see our dog barking leaflet.
Dog bins / dog fouling Toggle accordion
- If you would like to report an issue with a dog bin or would like to request a bin to be placed in a specific area, please contact the Community Services department on 01727 819366 or email
- If you would like to report dog fouling in your area you can contact the Council on 01727 819598 or email who will arrange for street cleaning.
Public Spaces Protection Orders
Some public areas in England and Wales are covered by Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) - previously called Dog Control Orders (DCOs).
In public areas with PSPOs, you may have to:
keep your dog on a lead
- put your dog on a lead if told to by a police officer, police community support officer or someone from the council
- stop your dog going to certain places - like farmland or parts of a park
- limit the number of dogs you have with you (this applies to professional dog walkers too)
- clear up after your dog
- carry a poop scoop and disposable bags
If anyone fails to meet the requirements of the PSPO or to comply with a request from authorised council officer, they could be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100 or a fine of up to £1,000 on prosecution.
St Albans City & District Council currently does not have any PSPOs applying to dogs in place.
General advice and guidance can be found on the Blue Cross link.
Other animals including wildlife
Cats Toggle accordion
- For lost or found cats please contact the Council on 01727 819285
- For further information / advice please contact Cats Protection on 0300 012 1212 or visit their website
Chickens Toggle accordion
You do not need a license to keep chickens as pets provided your total flock (all bird species combined) is of no more than 50. Information & advice is available from Defra and the RSPCA. If a neighbours chickens are causing a noise / odour nuisance, or you have noticed increased rodent activity in your area, you can contact the Regulatory Services department on 01727 819406 or email for further advice.
Horses Toggle accordion
For matters concerning horse welfare you can contact World Horse Welfare on 0300 333 6000 (08:00 – 17.30) or visit World Horse Welfare. For horses, or other animals, blocking the highway, please contact the police on 101 or St Albans Police Station on 0845 33 00 222.
Foxes Toggle accordion
A wide range of information is available on The Fox Website. If you discover a fox in distress, call the RSPCA on their 24-hour national helpline: 0300 1234 999. If possible, also use the guidance and checklist on their website which will help you provide the maximum information to inform their response.
Other wildlife Toggle accordion
For information/advice please contact the RSPCA or Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital who also have a 24 hour helpline 01844 292292.
Please note we no longer have a pest control service. If you require treatment for any of the following you will need to contact a private pest control contractor.
Rodents Toggle accordion
We have specific legal powers to take steps to deal with rat and mice infestations. We will take action to eradicate rats and mice on our own land and can serve a notice on an owner or occupier ordering work to resolve the issue.
You should ensure that your land is free from rats or mice by ensuring that your garden is not attracting rodents and bait when necessary. If you feel a neighbouring garden or land is attracting rodents you should contact us and we can investigate further. We cannot make someone clear an overgrown garden however we can take action if their garden provides harbourage such as containing household waste that rodents can nest in or food sources.
Rats often live in drains. If you believe you have a problem with your private drain it is your responsibility to deal with it. If it is a shared sewer that may allow rats to access your property you should contact Thames Water.
Cockroaches Toggle accordion
Treatment for the disinfestation of cockroaches may start with the laying of traps to establish the level of infestation and the type of cockroach, followed by spray, gel, or fumigation depending on infestation levels.
Bedbugs Toggle accordion
- Treatment for the disinfestation of bed bugs is one visit for a spray application or fumigation to the bed and surrounding areas. More than one treatment may be required, and it is recommended that all bedrooms are treated.
Wasps and Honey Bees Toggle accordion
Before contacting a pest control company please ensure that they are not bees as 25% are an endangered species.
- Wasps have distinct yellow/black bands around their abdomen
- Wasps' nests are normally only treated from the end of June. Wasp sightings may be seen earlier however the wasps nests are often too small to treat.
Honey Bees:
For information/advice about honey bees in your home or honey bee swarms please contact St Albans & District Beekeepers Association. If you have found a swarm, see the swarm collector map. Please contact your nearest swarm collector as soon as possible.
Bats – a protected species Toggle accordion
Bats are a protected species. For advice on caring for bats or their habitat, or if bats have become a nuisance, contact either of the following organisations: