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St Albans Mayor joins Ramadhan Community Dinner

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The Mayor of St Albans came together with the local community at the London Colney Islamic Centre’s annual Ramadhan Community Dinner on Saturday, 10 June.
Worshippers at the centre were joined by local residents, Councillors, Lord McNally and the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Mohammad Iqbal Zia.
Ramadhan is a month when Muslims fast during daylight hours to increase consciousness of their God, Allah, gratitude for his blessings, and piety.
Each year the centre opens its doors to the local community to mark the end of the fast on the day of the annual event.
Everyone is treated to a feast of delicious dishes brought by members of the centre to the special Iftar celebration or dinner.
The Mayor, Cllr Zia, said: “My theme for my year as Mayor is ‘Your Community - Our Community’. I was therefore pleased to see the community come together in harmony to mark the end of fast. Ramadhan is a month of sharing and learning for Muslims. Local residents and community representatives are invited every year to the London Colney Islamic Centre for Iftar. This helps promote good community relations and understanding in the District.”
Maulana Abdul Muhit, the Imam of the London Colney Islamic Centre at High Street, London Colney added: “It was a wonderful event. We opened our doors to the local community to take part in breaking the day’s fast with us, as well as observe the prayer which followed. There was an amazing atmosphere of warmth and togetherness; thank you to everyone for coming. Our doors are always open for anyone wishing to come in for a chat or observe the prayers/sermons.”
The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Councillor Mohammad Iqbal Zia
Contact for the Mayor’s office:
Alison Orde, the Mayor’s Civic Officer
Tel: 01727 819544
Contact for the media:
Amanda Wilkinson,
Senior Communications Officer
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819317
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The Quran is the holy book of Muslims, believed to be formed from revelations from God to the prophet Muhammad over a 23 year period. It sets out guidelines and teachings for followers of Islam.
Ramadhan Community Dinner at the London Colney Islamic Centre