Older Persons’ Day pop-up events hailed as “a major success”
More than 300 people attended a series of pop-up events in St Albans District to celebrate Older Persons’ Day.
St Albans City and District Council organised the drop-in events, called Flourishing Lives, along with partner organisations to highlight the contribution older people make to our community.
Council officers were on hand to explain a range of services including housing and the welfare benefits that older people may be entitled to.
Hertfordshire Police, Citizens Advice, Communities 1st, Age UK and other groups which work with older people were present.
Information on issues such as crime prevention and the location of warm spaces during cold spells was given out.
There were also opportunities to socialise over a cup of tea, provided by St Albans Old People’s Trust, at the four events in St Albans, Wheathampstead, London Colney and Redbourn.
The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated around the world every year in early October and is followed by weeks of special events.
Councillor Sarwar Shamsher, Lead for Inclusion, said:
I am delighted to say that these pop-up events were well attended and a major success.
It was a great example of partnership working as we teamed up with other organisations to make our older people aware of the services and opportunities available to them.
As a Council, we are committed to ensuring older people can lead fulfilling lives and not become socially isolated.
These free events have brought hundreds of people together and have helped them discover how they can participate in a range of social and fun activities, including art and keep-fit clubs.
Photos: scenes from the Older Persons’ Day events including, 2nd from top, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Jenni Murray, far right, talking to Herts Police at the Redbourn event.
Media contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council: 01727-919533; john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.