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New Mental Health Champion for District

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St Albans City and District Council has signed up to the Local Authority Mental Health Challenge.  This is a scheme coordinated by seven major mental health charities led by the Centre for Mental Health.  Councillor Anthony Rowlands will be the District’s Mental Health Champion.

Speaking of his new role at a meeting of full Council on Thursday 9 July, Councillor Rowlands said:  “Colleagues will not need reminding of the alarming statistics that across the UK about 1 in 4 of the the adult population and 1 in 10 children are affected by mental health concerns.

Referring to the more than forty local authorities now signed up to the scheme, Cllr Rowlands said:  “There is no set way of being a member champion.  However, I believe that councillors can make a difference by championing mental health issues.  

“My task is to raise awareness, challenge stigma, encourage good practice and help foster links between organisations in our District.  Part of my role will be to ensure the District Council sets a good example in the services it provides for local people affected by mental health issues.  I will also be looking to the Council to set excellent standards as an employer.”

Speaking of his own family’s experience, Councillor Rowlands said:  “I readily admit I have no professional expertise and much to learn. However, I do have an interest and know full well the impact that mental ill health can have on those affected and their families.”

Earlier in the day, Cllr Rowlands was presented with a certificate in recognition of his appointment at a Conference held in Hatfield to launch the Hertfordshire Year of Mental Health.

Councillor contact:

Councillor Anthony Rowlands, Mental Health Champion, St Albans City and District  Council, Tel: 07761 232064, Email:

Contact for the media:

Claire Wainwright, Executive and Communications Manager, St Albans City and District Council, Tel: 01727 819572, Email: 


The Local Authority Mental Health Challenge is coordinated by seven major mental health charities. For information about the partners see: These organisations joined forces in 2012 to help local councillors to lead the way in championing mental health in their communities.

For further information about the scheme see: