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New cycling map for St Albans District

Publication date:

A new cycling map for the St Albans District has been produced to encourage people to use green transport and take more exercise.

The free fold-out map will be available from cycling shops, leisure centres, St Albans Museums and Council offices.

It promotes key cycling routes, indicating important features such as whether they are traffic free, shared with walkers or well-surfaced.

Among the routes highlighted is the Green Ring, a continuous 6.5-mile cycling and walking path that circles the City. It also travels through parks, nature reserves and heritage sites.

The map shows the National Cycle Networks within the District and a section of the 170-mile Chiltern Cycleway.

Sites of particular interest such as play areas, historic features, cafes and sports facilities are marked out.

The map has been produced by St Albans City and District Council with the help of the St Albans Cycle Campaign and updates a 2014 edition.

It contains other useful information for cyclists such as the meaning of road signs directed at them.

People who want to suggest ways of improving cycling in the District, such as new parking locations or routes, are encouraged to send in their ideas to

The map will also be available online at the Council’s website:

Councillor Anthony Rowlands, the Council’s Deputy Leader, said:

This is a very impressive and useful map.

I’m sure it will be of great assistance to the growing number of people who cycle around the District.

We want to encourage people to do just that as part of our commitment to reducing emissions and making the District carbon neutral by 2030.

Cycling also fits in with our aim of improving the wellbeing of our residents as it is a great form of exercise, good for improving both physical and mental health. So, my advice to people is to obtain one of these maps and get on their bike.

Picture: Cllr Rowlands with the Cycling Map.

Councillor Contact:
Councillor Anthony Rowlands,
Portfolio Holder for Community,
Leisure and Sport,
St Albans City and District Council.
Tel: 07761 232064.

Media contact: 
John McJannet,
Principal Communications Officer,
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727-296130