New car parking strategy for St Albans District
A new eco-friendly car parking strategy has been adopted by St Albans City and District Council.
The strategy was developed after intensive consultation with residents, businesses, community groups and other organisations.
It has four over-arching aims: tackling climate change, improving accessibility, making best use of digital technology and ensuring efficient enforcement.
The strategy is also designed to make the best use of all the District’s parking spaces.
It includes a series of projects to achieve the main goals including measures to reduce carbon emissions and encourage eco-friendly transport.
The Council operates 15 fee-paying car parks in St Albans and Harpenden, providing almost 3,000 spaces including more than 100 disabled bays. In addition, the Council is responsible for on-street parking.
Members of the Council’s Public Realm Committee approved the strategy at its meeting on Tuesday 31 January.
Councillor Helen Campbell, the Committee’s Chair, said after the meeting:
I am pleased that we have adopted this strategy which will guide our work over the next five years.
The strategy aims to meet the needs of all our residents including those with mobility issues. It also supports the local economy and tackles the climate emergency.
Crucially, the strategy is underpinned by a series of projects that we will undertake to ensure that we deliver the main objectives. These range from introducing cashless parking to reviewing the provision of disabled parking spaces.
I thank all those who contributed to the consultation which helped us determine what people’s priorities were on car parking issues. I believe we have responded to the main concerns and urge people interested in this service to read the strategy.
It will be reviewed annually so people can still have a say on the issues involved.
Among the projects outlined in the strategy to tackle climate change are consideration of measures to deter motorists from engine idling.
The emissions-based price structure of parking permits will be strengthened, paperless permits introduced and car clubs will be promoted.
Proposals to improve enforcement include targeting congestion caused by parking outside schools and identifying hotspot areas for illegal parking.
To better meet the needs of disabled and older people, the Council is looking to ensure there are the right number and type of spaces for them in appropriate locations to improve accessibility. It is also working with Hertfordshire County Council to tackle Blue Badge fraud.
To make better use of Digital technology, paper-free virtual parking permits may be introduced and pay-and-display machines phased out and replaced by cashless parking.
Auto number plate recognition technology will be developed to enforce parking restrictions.
You can view the strategy here.
Picture: Westminster Lodge car park - St Albans City and District Council.
Media contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer: 01727- 819533; john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.