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National Day of Reflection - Tuesday 23 March

Publication date:

St Albans City and District Council will be observing a minute’s silence at 12 noon as part of the national day of reflection, marking the anniversary of the first Covid Lockdown.  The St Albans flag will fly at half-mast.

 In the evening the Museum + Gallery's chandeliers will be switched on to light up the building.

Mayor of St Albans City and District, Councillor Janet Smith, said: “I hope St Albans District residents will join me in marking the national day of reflection in the ways suggested by the Marie Curie charity.

“I’ll be putting some yellow spring flowers in my window and shining a light at 8pm as darkness falls and a minute’s silence is held to remember the District’s many COVID victims.

“This will also be a gesture of support to all of those who have suffered grief and bereavement and may be experiencing feelings of loneliness at this time.

“We have all lived through a most anxious and difficult year and as well as reflecting on those who have died, I will be thinking of the many people who have risen to the challenge of helping our community.

“They include our wonderful doctors and nurses, our key workers, charity volunteers and other unsung heroes who have been out and about looking after people.

“Although COVID-19 has been a frightening experience, it has also brought people together and brought out the best in them.”