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Musicians join St Albans Deputy Mayor on twin town anniversary visit

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Local musicians and the Deputy Mayor joined in celebrations in Worms last weekend to mark the 60th anniversary of the twin town relationship with St Albans.
The musicians played at the historic German city’s annual “Jazz and Joy” festival as part of the anniversary
A civic delegation from St Albans, led by Deputy Mayor, Cllr Jamie Day, and his consort Elizabeth, was also invited to a special diamond jubilee reception. Members of St Albans-Worms Partnership, including former St Albans Mayor, Kate Morris, were among the delegation.
The reception at Herrnsheimer Schloss on Saturday, 17 June included an official ceremony with an exchange of civic gifts. The Deputy Mayor also signed Worms’ Golden Book. This record of official visitors to the City dates back to the 1880s, and includes the signature of Tsar Nicolas II of Russia who visited in 1899.
The reception coincided with the annual “Jazz and Joy” festival in Worms where a number of St Albans bands appeared over the weekend to help celebrate the twinning anniversary. The festival kicked off on Friday 16 June with sets from the Country Cousins, Said the Maiden and Na-Mara.
The bands went on to perform at the official twinning ceremony the next day. The Zipheads and the Hill Street Blues Band also played at the festival.
The Deputy Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Day said: “I was honoured to represent St Albans for the 60th anniversary of the twinning with Worms, a beautiful City located on the Rhine. I was struck by the strong links between the two cities and the many, lasting friendships made over the last six decades. Strong civic and personal partnerships like this are important as the UK’s relationship with Europe evolves with Brexit.”
St Albans will play host to an official delegation from Worms later in the year to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the twinning of the two cities.
Information about St Albans’s twin towns, including Worms, is available on St Albans City and District Council’s website.
The Right Worshipful the Deputy Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Councillor Jamie Day
Contact for the Mayor’s office:

Alison Orde, the Mayor’s Civic Officer
Tel: 01727 819544
Contact for the media:
Amanda Wilkinson,
Senior Communications Officer
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819317
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Above - Celebrating with music: the Deputy Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Jamie Day, and the Mayor of Worms, Michael Kassel, pictured with musicians from St Albans
Signing Worms’ Golden Book: the Deputy Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Jamie Day, pictured with the Deputy Mayoress Elizabeth Day and the Mayor of Worms, Michael Kassel (left) and the Hubert Listmann (right) from the St Albans-Worms Partnership

Deputy Mayor signing Worms golden book
Exchanging civic gifts: the Deputy Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Cllr Jamie Day,
and the Mayor of Worms, Michael Kassel
Deputy Mayor exchanges gifts in Worms