Mayor congratulates Redbourn’s Britain In Bloom winners
St Albans Mayor, Councillor Anthony Rowlands, has congratulated Redbourn villagers for their stunning success in the prestigious Britain In Bloom competition.
Redbourn received the coveted Gold Award as well as the Best Small Town title in the annual awards of the RHS, the Royal Horticultural Society.
Pat Schofield, a founder of Redbourn In Bloom, won a Community Champion award for her voluntary work.
St Luke’s School for Special Educational Needs, which took part in the effort to enhance the village, received a Certificate of Achievement.
Britain In Bloom is a national gardening competition aimed at inspiring community groups in cities, towns and villages to make positive changes to their local environment.
The Mayor invited those involved in Redbourn’s entry to a reception at the Civic Centre in St Albans to celebrate the success.
He said:
Winning the national competition for the Best Small Town is an amazing achievement.
Congratulations go to local residents whose dedication over many years made this accolade possible. Their unstinting efforts not only benefit the whole community of Redbourn but also illustrate what can be done by voluntary effort to enhance public spaces.
Pat Schofield said:
We have been entering the regional competition, Anglia in Bloom, for 23 years. We were delighted to be put forward into the finals of Britain in Bloom this year, and very grateful to all our volunteers and other village groups for helping us to do so well. It is a real community effort.
Besides planting projects, we organize a programme of events and activities throughout the year - talks, trips, Open Gardens Weekend, Autumn Show and Craft Fair to name but a few. We are a registered charity and always welcome new members and volunteers.
You can find out more about Redbourn In Bloom here.
Pictures: Top, The Mayor, 2nd left, and Mayoress, Annie Stevenson, left, congratulate Pat Schofield, far right, and Redbourn In Bloom Chair, Meirion Anderson; bottom, the Mayor with the Redbourn villagers.
Media contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer: 01727- 819533; john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.