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Mayor completes 20 visits to District schools during his civic year

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Councillor Anthony Rowlands, Mayor of St Albans City and District, completed 20 school visits during his civic year to inform pupils about the history of the office.

Cllr Rowlands spoke to pupils about the Mayor’s role, illustrating his talk with slides showing some of the activities he has undertaken.

These included presenting awards to players from St Albans City Youth FC, attending events like a model engineering exhibition and sleeping out in the open to raise funds for homeless charities.

Cllr Rowlands made All Generations Together the theme of his year in office and to reach out to the young, he offered schools the chance to invite him to lead an assembly.

He said: 

I was delighted by the response and the opportunity I was given to talk to thousands of pupils across the District was one of the highlights of my time as Mayor.

It is important for their wider education that the next generation begins to understand the community of which they are such a vital part. My thanks to all the headteachers who made this possible.


The top three questions to the Mayor and his answers were:


  1. How much do you get paid? Nothing – it is an unpaid role.
  2. Does the Council provide the Mayor with a palace? No – Council taxpayers would probably object.
  3. How long are you Mayor for? A year with a new Mayor due to be appointed at a Full Council meeting on Wednesday 22 May.

Photos: top, the Mayor at Fleetville Junior School with mace bearer Alison Orde; below, the Mayor at St Albans Girls’ School with the first slide showing a picture of the City’s first female Mayor, Margaret Wix, who held the position in 1924.


Contact for the media: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, 01727 819533,