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Mayor checks on progress of one of his charities

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St Albans’ Mayor has called in to an annual garden party held by one of his good causes – The Abbeyfield St Albans Society.

He attended the Grace Muriel House event on Saturday August 8 to meet some of the residents and 48 staff as well as trustees and supporters.

Cllr Salih Gaygusuz, Mayor of St Albans City and District, is Patron of the house.

He said: “The Abbeyfield Society does a tremendous amount of good work and I am very proud to be the Patron during my Mayoral year. I also know the Council is very proud of and values very highly its association with The Abbeyfield Society.

“The work that The Abbeyfield Society undertakes here at Grace Muriel House provides fantastic care for 37 residents. It would not be possible without the hard-work and dedication of all the staff and friends of the society.”

The Mayor was briefed by Society chairman Keith Faulkner and Grace House manager Annette Gibbons on plans to further improve the accommodation which is partly built on land leased from the Council.

Mr Faulkner said:  “Grace Muriel House is a valuable community asset and we are delighted with the support given by the Mayor as our Patron.

“The visit by the Mayor and Mayoress added to everyone’s enjoyment and gave the Garden Party a real sense of occasion.” 

Grace Muriel House is a registered care home, founded in 1960, and has been on its present site in Tavistock Avenue since 1972.

It was redeveloped in 2002, to include 18 rooms with en-suite facilities that lead to a beautifully planted garden with disabled access. 

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Councillor Salih Gaygusuz.

Contact for the Mayor’s office: 

Alison Orde, the Mayor’s Civic Officer 

Tel: 01727 819544 


Contact for the press:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council

Tel: 01727296130 


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