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Landlords needed to help Syrian refugees

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A fresh appeal is being made to landlords who can provide accommodation for Syrian refugees in the St Albans District.

St Albans City and District Council is committed to settling ten refugees a year over the next five years. This may be two or three families per year depending on family size.

Attempts to find accommodation in the private-rented sector remain difficult, a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet was told on Tuesday 22 December.

Now a new plea has gone out to landlords who may have suitable, self-contained properties to get in touch with the Council’s housing department.

In another initiative, local churches have been approached about using their residential properties when they become available.

Councillor Brian Ellis, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “We are appealing to private landlords in the District to help us with this extremely good cause.

“In the autumn, we wrote to local landlords with experience of housing tenants on housing benefit, asking them if they could offer accommodation.

“A small number came forward, but unfortunately the properties were not suitable and we are now trying again. We are hoping that we will hear from other landlords so we can prepare for the arrival of the first refugees next year.

“If you think you have got something suitable at market rent, then, please contact us.” 

Interested landlords are asked to email or telephone 01727 819355.

In the update to Cabinet, it was revealed that the Council’s political group leaders agreed to the settling of ten refugees a year.

The Council is working with eight other Hertfordshire authorities on the issue as well as the County Council. The Refugee Council has also been approached so that the Council can draw on their experience.

The Council has already set aside £25,000 from one of its community funds to support resettlement.

Procedures for resettling are also becoming clearer with the UN Refugee Agency, working in Syria, referring people to local authorities in the UK. The Home Office will be involved in matching the refugees to suitable locations.

Once the Council has accepted a family, their arrival into the UK will take approximately six weeks.

Councillor Julian Daly, Leader of St Albans City and District Council, said: “A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to pave the way for the arrival of Syrian refugees.

“The Council as a whole is committed to this humanitarian effort as are a number of community groups. We are now looking to form a partnership that can deal efficiently with all the issues involved.

“Next year, we are likely to see the first Syrian refugees arrive in the District and our preparations are well underway.”

Councillor contacts:

Councillor Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing for St Albans City and District Council.


Tel: 01582-767621

Cllr Julian Daly, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation, St Albans City and District Council 

Tel: 07775-657200 Email:

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 
