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Housing Open Day attracts more than 200 people

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More than 200 people attended an open day staged by the Housing Department of St Albans City and District Council.

Residents were invited to learn about the wide range of services the Council offers its tenants, leaseholders and housing applicants and the issues affecting them.

A number of stands, manned by Council officers, community groups and housing contractors, were set up at the Alban Arena for the event on Saturday 26 September.

Tenants and leaseholders due to have their homes modernised were shown examples of the new windows, kitchens and bathrooms that are scheduled to be installed.

The Council’s Housing Services, Customer Services, Community Safety, Public Health, Waste Management and Museums team were represented.

The Police, Neighbourhood Watch, Citizens Advice, Mediation Herts, CVS, Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association, Leasehold Advisory Service, grounds maintenance contractor John O’Conner and the Credit Union were also on hand.

They were able to talk with tenants, give advice and listen to feedback from them.

With many families in attendance, the children were kept entertained with face painting while popcorn and candy floss were given out.

Karen Dragovic, Head of Housing for St Albans City and District Council, said: “This was a very well attended and worthwhile event. I think everyone will have come away having learned something useful.

“We had more families and children than ever before and there was a real buzz about the hall in what was a truly interactive occasion.

“Our officers were able to meet residents face to face, listen to any issues they wanted to raise while showing them the many services we have to offer.

“Contractors who are involved with housing in the District were also able to talk directly with our tenants and show them examples of the work they do.

“It is very helpful for families to know how the Police and voluntary groups such as the Credit Union can support them if they encounter difficulties.”

For more information about the Council’s housing services, please see:

Councillor Contact

Cllr Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing for St Albans City and District Council.

Tel: 01582-767621Email

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council Tel: 01727 296130 
