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Housing fire safety update following start of Grenfell Tower Inquiry

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St Albans City and District Council is monitoring evidence presented to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry in readiness to act on any recommendations on housing fire safety improvements.

It has already set aside £420K in the 2018/19 budget for a sprinkler system to be installed at Telford Court in St Albans, the Council’s only high rise block. The Council took this action following the fire at Grenfell Tower last year.

It is expected that there will be recommendations on housing fire safety following the independent public inquiry, but it is unlikely any will be produced before next year.

Cabinet heard last night that officers are waiting to see if any recommendations relating to sprinkler systems come out of the inquiry before proceeding with the work. This is to ensure that the specifications for the new sprinkler system comply with any recommendation.

In the meantime, the Council will be consulting Telford Court residents on the proposed work in the autumn. 

The Council is also checking all the fire doors at its blocks of flats on government advice following the Grenfell Tower fire. This is because an investigation found that the safety door at Grenfell Tower could only hold back fire for half the time it was meant to do. Several manufacturers’ products have also since failed Government tests. An expert panel set up by the Government says the risk to public safety is low because fire detection in a building involves a range of measures. 

Cllr Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Inclusion at St Albans City and District Council, said:

The Council is closely monitoring information arising from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and will take action where required. We are also focused on reducing fire risk across all our blocks of flats by carrying out regular inspections and scheduled works, such as upgrades to emergency lighting.

The Council has always carried out fire risk assessments of all its blocks of flats in line with a rolling programme of inspections. These are used to identify fire safety improvements that can be made as part of an action plan. The upgrading of fire safety doors, emergency lighting and electrical wiring are among a range of ongoing scheduled improvement works that are being carried out. 

During 2017/18, the Council spent £322k on fire safety improvements and £299k on electrical wiring. In 2018/19, the budget for fire safety improvements is £400k and for electrical wiring works £488k.

More information is contained in Performance and Budget Summary report presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 20 September. A webcast of the meeting is also available.

Councillor contact:
Cllr Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Inclusion at St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01582 767621, Bus. email: 

Contact for the media:
Amanda Wilkinson, Senior Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819317, E-mail: