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Home project underway

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A sheltered housing scheme in St Albans is to be redeveloped to create 40 modern homes for people who need the assistance of carers.

Betty Entwistle House, in Holyrood Crescent, will provide purpose-built flats for people aged 55 or above or people over 40 who are physically disabled.

The accommodation is classed as “a mixed use flexicare scheme” and is the first of its kind to be created by St Albans City and District Council.

The building’s ownership was transferred from the Council to the housing association bpha last month. bpha will develop and manage the new scheme while the Council will retain the right to nominate tenants from its social housing register.

Building work is due to start in the summer and it is hoped the first residents will be able to move in the spring of 2019.

Councillor Brian Ellis, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “We have been redeveloping our sheltered housing to better meet the needs of residents and achieve modern standards.

“This is another exciting and important initiative that will be of great benefit to people with particular needs. We have been working closely with our partners bhpa to ensure that we will deliver a high-quality scheme.”

Sarah Ireland, Director of Development and Sales at bpha, said: “We are very pleased to be working with St Albans City and District Council to deliver much needed accommodation for people who require additional care or support in their own homes, while continuing to live independently in
their communities.

“At bpha we’re committed to building and managing safe and secure homes for those who need them. This scheme will see the provision of 40 good quality apartments for rent and shared ownership that are spacious, light, warm and secure.”

bpha is based in Bedford and is a provider and developer of affordable homes for rent and shared ownership as well as sheltered and residential care accommodation. It was formerly known as Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association.

Councillor contact:
Councillor Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing for St Albans City and District Council.
Tel: 01727-866100

Councillor contact:
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council.
E-mail: john.mcjannet@