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Help combat crime

Publication date:

Residents are encouraged to have their say on how the District can become an even safer place to live and work.

They are being asked for their views on how the fight against crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour can be improved.

Anyone who wants to take part can fill in in a short survey online or complete a questionnaire on paper.

The consultation is intended to help the St Albans Community Safety Partnership (CSP) complete its strategy for the coming year. 

It will start on Monday 12 February and continue until Sunday 25 March.

The CSP is an umbrella group of organisations that work together to reduce crime in the District.

Members include St Albans City and District Council, Hertfordshire Constabulary, Hertfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and various voluntary groups. 

Every year, the CSP consults with residents and community groups about its plans. Five main strategic priorities have been identified and these are to:

  • Establish an effective response to drug dealing by providing support to vulnerable young people, tackling associated modern slavery and disrupting the activities of dealers;
  • Develop an effective multi-agency approach to fly-tipping; 
  • Focus on reducing crimes which have the most impact on the community including fraud, robbery, burglary, car crime and shoplifting;
  • Engage more effectively with relevant agencies to support those with mental health problems; and
  • Improve data collection and information sharing about local offenders to reduce the re-offending rate.

Cllr Beric Read, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for Business and the Community, said: “Crime and antisocial behaviour is low in the District compared to many other parts of the country and we want to make sure that it remains that way. 

“We want to hear people’s views on where we can improve and what our priorities should be. It only takes a few minutes to complete the questionnaire and doing so will help shape our community safety plans for the coming year.”

St Albans Chief Inspector Shane O’Neill of Hertfordshire Constabulary said: “This survey will provide us with some very valuable feedback. It can influence our local neighbourhood priorities and help us improve crime-fighting priorities for the coming 12 months. 

“I urge residents to take part in the consultation and give us their views about how they think we can tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in the year ahead.”

To complete the survey online, please see:

Paper questionnaires and pre-paid reply envelopes are available on request from Carol Almond on 01727 819538.

For more information about the CSP and to view the draft strategy, please see:

Councillor contact:
Councillor Beric Read, Portfolio Holder for Business and the Community for St Albans City and District Council.
Tel: 07956 220264. Email:

Media contact:
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council. Tel: 01727-296130