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Help boost the recycling rate even further

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Residents are to be reminded about waste disposal rules by a sticker campaign that aims to further boost the St Albans District’s rising recycling rate. Refuse collection crews will attach information labels to the bins of households which may not be following the correct procedures.

One campaign goal is to tackle the issue of side waste – those extra rubbish bags some people place beside the brown bin that is used for non-recyclable waste.

The stickers will explain that side waste will not be cleared by the St Albans City and District Council’s contractor Veolia and only the bin will be emptied.

Research has shown that this rule, used by many other local authorities, encourages residents to recycle more of their waste.

The District’s recycling rate, as measured by weight, has increased from 53.2% to 59.6% in the past 12 months.

Although this is a substantial rise, it is just short of the Council’s target of 60%-plus that was set when a new waste collection service started last summer.

Recycling helps create a more sustainable environment because it conserves resources and reduces the need for land-fill dumps.

The campaign will begin in mid-October with the stickers reinforcing the message that all non-recyclable rubbish must be put inside the brown bin.

Furthermore, the bin’s lid must be closed flat so it can be attached safely to the lorries’ lifting gear. Any extra bags of rubbish placed near the bin will not be disposed of.

Stickers will also be used to remind people that garden waste and rubble must not be put in the brown bin or it cannot be emptied.

Garden waste must go in the green recycling bin while rubble should be taken to a Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Research has shown that households who put out side waste are often filling their brown bin with waste which could be recycled.

The brown bin has the capacity to cope with the non-recyclable waste of all but a handful of households.

On the first brown bin collection after Christmas Day, the rule will be relaxed and side waste will be taken away by Veolia’s crews. This is because households sometimes generate extra rubbish over the festive season.

Councillor Daniel Chichester-Miles, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for the Environment, said: “Our recycling rate has increased considerably and we are grateful to our residents for helping us achieve that. It has been very much a joint effort.

“Our new waste collection regime has been in operation for just over a year and although it has been very successful, there is room for improvement.

“We’re going to follow the example of other local authorities that have raised their recycling rate to over 60% and remind households that we will not be taking away side waste apart from over the Christmas period.

“I am confident this will encourage the greater recycling of garden waste, glass, plastics, cardboard, clothes, electrical items and other materials. The experience of other councils has shown this to be the case.

“I’m also sure that residents will want to further boost the recycling rate and support our campaign.”

Those large households which feel the brown bin is too small for their needs can contact the Council to discuss the issue on 01727 809019 or

Details of Household Waste Recycling Centres are available here:

Further details of the recycling regime can be viewed here:

Councillor contact:

Cllr Daniel Chichester-Miles, Portfolio Holder for Environment for St Albans City and District Council

Tel: 01727 819281



Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City & District Council

Tel: 01727 296130
