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Greener Council Homes

Publication date:

St Albans City and District Council will support tenants wanting to install environmentally-friendly solar panels at their homes.

Councillor Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing, has said that applications to attach the panels will  be looked on favourably.

Tenants have to submit certain details about such building alterations before permission is given for the work to be carried out.

They must give drawings of the proposed change, details of the materials to be used and the name of the contractor. Information about insurance is also required.

The tenants will need to find the finance for the work themselves.

The Council has spent around £9 million over the past three years making its homes more energy efficient. That money has paid for double glazing as well as cavity wall and roof insulation.

Solar panels were installed at eighteen properties and a block of flats in Wheathampstead.

The Housing Department looked at installing solar panel at other blocks, but found residents were reluctant to pay towards future maintenance costs.

Solar panels help by generating green electricity while measures like double glazing and insulation cut down on energy use.

Councillor Ellis said: “Double glazing and insulation have a high pay back in terms of energy efficiency and therefore reduced carbon emissions. These have been the focus of the Council’s investments.

“However, we recognise that some tenants may wish to reduce their energy bills by installing solar panels.

“Therefore, we will look favourably on any applications by tenants to install solar panels at Council homes.”

The Greener living section the of the Council’s website can be viewed here:

Energy Advice Service provides free, independent advice and  can be contacted on 0300-123—1234 or through their website:

Councillor contact:

Councillor Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing for St Albans City and District Council.


Tel: 01582-767621

Councillor contact:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council.


Tel: 01727 296130