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Give your views on Council Tax Support proposal

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Residents are asked to give their views on a proposed change to the Council Tax Support scheme run by St Albans City and District Council.

The change to the scheme, which helps people on low incomes pay their Council Tax, may affect some Universal Credit claimants. 

Universal Credit is a payment issued by the Department for Work and Pensions to help people with their living costs. 

It replaces other benefits like Housing Benefit and Tax Credits and is available to people both in and out of work 

The amount of Universal Credit a claimant receives each month will change if their earnings change. 

Under the current scheme, the Council has to recalculate the Council Tax Support payment that Universal Credit claimants receive every month. This can be confusing for claimants and cause unnecessary paperwork. 

The Council plans to overcome these problems by introducing a banded scheme. 

This will mean someone’s entitlement to Council Tax support will be determined by what band their income falls into. 

The advantages are that small variations in a claimant’s income will not necessarily affect the amount of help they receive towards their Council Tax.

It will also reduce the Council’s administrative costs, although the amount of Council Tax Support distributed is expected to be the same.

Further details about how the scheme will operate are available at

To submit your views about the proposed change, please e-mail by 5pm on Wednesday 31 October.

After all views are considered, a decision on whether to go ahead with the change will be made by the Council’s Cabinet.

Councillor Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Inclusion, said:

I very much hope people who may be affected will submit their views. We want to ensure that any change we introduce is well understood and supported.

Councillor contact:
Councillor Brian Ellis, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Inclusion or St Albans City and District Council. Email:; Tel: 01727-866100

Media contact:
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City and District Council.
Tel: 01727-296130; E-mail: