Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan – only a few days left to make sure your views are heard
Residents and community groups have only a few days left to give their views about a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for St Albans District.
A public consultation into the Plan to enhance key cycling and walking routes closes at 10am on Monday 20 March.
It is important that as many people as possible take part in the survey – partly because a high level of engagement will help with efforts to raise funds to implement the proposals.
The Government recently invited bids to a £200 million Active Travel Fund, requiring applicants to show their schemes are strongly supported by the local community.
Councillor Chris White, Leader of St Albans City and District Council (SADC), said:
Residents can help shape our final plans by providing us with valuable feedback.
We want to hear from as many people as possible, not only so we can consider their views, but also because this will help us with future fund raising efforts.
If we can demonstrate extremely high levels of demand for improvements to routes, then it will boost our chances of securing funding. So, I would urge everyone to spend a few minutes answering the survey.
Hertfordshire County Council (HCC), the highways authority, is drawing up the LCWIP in partnership with SADC.
The consultation is into proposals which are the result of a technical study of the issues involved. This study has identified key cycling and walking routes in the District where the potential demand is greatest and where changes will most benefit residents.
A number of improvements have been put forward and costed for 72 priority routes across the District.
Enhancements would include new or improved crossings, footway improvements, junction upgrades and traffic calming measures.
You can read the technical report, study maps of the proposals, give your comments and respond to a short survey here: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/lcwip-StAlbans.
The consultation starts on Tuesday 7 February and runs until Monday 20 March. You can also email comments to SADC.LCWIP@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
Cllr White added:
The LCWIP aims to make walking and cycling the natural choice for shorter journeys or part of longer journeys.
We have one of the highest levels of cycling and walking in Hertfordshire, but we want to improve that even further.
Councillor Phil Bibby, HCC’s Executive Member for Highways and Transport, said:
We want cycling and walking to be an easy and convenient choice for people using and visiting our city centres. Receiving feedback on our proposed cycling and walking plan for St Albans is key to helping develop a framework that provides a greener and safer way to travel.
Our aim is to offer all residents a cleaner, greener, healthier Hertfordshire. By increasing access to cycling and walking initiatives, we'll help to improve health and air quality, as well as reducing traffic congestion.
Media Contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, 01727 819533, john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.