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Council Leader and Cabinet remain in post

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Councillor Chris White has been confirmed as Leader of St Albans City and District Council for the second year in a row.

He was elected at a meeting of the Full Council on Wednesday 21 May which was held online to maintain social distancing.

Cllr White announced he was not making any changes to his six-strong Cabinet, although some of the titles have been amended.

He also revealed that he was examining a change to the Council’s structure from a Cabinet system to a Committee one.

A cross-party task and finish group will be set up to review the Council’s Constitution and report its findings later in the year.

Any change could result in more decisions about the Council’s operations being taken by Committees rather than by the Cabinet or one of its members.

Cllr White said after the meeting:

I am delighted to have been elected Leader again at what is a particularly challenging time for local authorities across the country.

In the coming year, much of our focus will be on the Council’s finances as we battle against the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which has reduced our revenues and added to our costs.

However, we remain determined to deliver on our priorities that include tackling the climate emergency and delivering more social housing.

I have also initiated a review of our structure as I believe a Committee system, like that used by neighbouring Three Rivers District Council, may be a better way of conducting our business.

The full Cabinet is: Cllr White, Leader and Portfolio Holder (PH) for Climate, Environment and Transport;  Cllr Jamie Day, PH for Planning; Cllr Robert Donald, PH for Commercial, Development and Wellbeing; Cllr Mandy McNeil, PH for Business, Tourism and Culture; Cllr Anthony Rowlands, Deputy Leader and PH for Leisure, Heritage and Public Realm; Cllr Jacqui Taylor, PH for Housing, Inclusion and Protection; and Cllr Karen Young, PH for Resources.

Council also agreed to the membership of its 14 Committees, three Joint Committees, two Consultative Forums and four task and finish or working groups.

The Council elections that were due to take place earlier this month were cancelled by the Government because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

They will be held next May with those Councillors whose term was due to expire being given another year.

The political composition of the Council is: Liberal Democrats – 24 Councillors; Conservatives – 24; Labour – 5; Independent – 4; Green – 1.

Picture: Cllr Chris White

Councillor Contact:
Councillor Chris White, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate, Environment and Transport.
Tel: 01727 845300

Contact for the media:
John McJannet,
Principal Communications Officer.