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Council backs two health campaigns

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It is throwing its weight behind Go Sober For October, a fundraising drive organised by Macmillan Cancer Support to persuade people to take a month off alcohol.

And it is also helping with Alcohol Awareness Week which runs from the 16th to the 22nd of November.

This annual campaign is run by Alcohol Concern and the theme this year is: “The impact of alcohol on our society”.

The aim of both campaigns is not to demonise alcohol, but to make people more aware of the effects of excessive drinking and what fun, alternative activities are available.

The campaigns will also publicise support services for people who believe they may have a drinking problem.

Another objective is to persuade restaurants, pubs, clubs and other drinking venues to provide a full range of alcohol-free beverages.

The Council is a member of the St Albans District Health and Wellbeing Partnership, an umbrella organisation for groups involved in promoting public health.

A meeting of St Albans City and District Council’s Cabinet on Thursday 24 September was briefed about its latest work.

To help publicise the responsible drinking campaigns, the Council has designed posters and leaflets to be distributed to schools, supermarkets, parent groups, market stalls and community organisations.

Among the groups being targeted this year are women and St Albans' growing elderly population

Alcohol-related deaths among women in the District are higher than the national average, 24.3 a year compared to 14.8 per 100,000 people.

There were also higher alcohol-related hospital admissions for women, 274 per 100,000 people locally compared to a national figure of 190.

Another issue highlighted in the update to Cabinet was the Partnership’s decision to produce a Young Persons Mental Health Project.

The aim of this initiative is to develop effective ways of providing services to people in need.

The Partnership has made a reduction in the harm caused by alcohol and improving mental health as two of its top priorities.

The others are increasing physical activity, promoting a healthy weight and reducing health inequalities.

Councillor Alec Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Resources for St Albans City and District Council, said: “It is important the Council seeks to understand and prioritise key health and wellbeing challenges.

“The Health and Wellbeing Partnership is a vehicle for doing that and we take an active role within it. We fully support the priorities that the Partnership has identified and will be helping with their campaigns.”

Councillor contact:

CllrAlec Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Resources, St Albans City and District Council 

Tel: 01727-760750 Email: Cllr.A.Campbell

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 
