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Community grants – Council to award £50,000

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Almost £50,000 of grants is to be given to community groups in St Albans District to support their highly important activities.

St Albans City and District Council has awarded the money to seven organisations to help finance their work.

The grants are aimed at groups which can show they are supporting the Council’s inclusion strategy of giving everyone the chance to take part in community life.

Members of the Council’s Housing and Inclusion Committee approved the awards at its meeting on Wednesday 26 January.

Councillor Jacqui Taylor, Committee Chair, said afterwards:

This is part of our overall community grant funding of £381,000 a year which we have maintained despite severe the pressure on our budget.

These particular grants are to help organisations with the everyday expenditure that they are faced with rather than to support specific projects.

Our discussions with charities and community groups showed that they badly needed such help as their income and fund-raising was adversely impacted by the COVID pandemic.

These groups do a tremendous amount of good work within the District that we all benefit from. They improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable members of our community, allowing them to become more involved in community life.

To be eligible for an award, the applicants had to demonstrate that they were supporting greater equality and encouraging different groups to get on well together.

This all fits in with our overall aim as a Council of making the District a vibrant, diverse and caring community.

The groups to receive an award were: Trestle Theatre Company, £7,846; St Albans City Youth FC, £5,955; the Living Room, £9,996; St Albans and District Shop Mobility, £4,290; Home-Start Hertfordshire, £10,000; Earthworks St Albans, £7,500 ; and Cruse Bereavement Support, £3,240. Each organisation could apply for up to £10,000 and nearly every organisation was awarded the amount applied for.

Councillor contact:
Councillor Jacqui Taylor, Chair of the Housing and Inclusion Committee, 906343.

Contact for the media: 
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer: 01727