Beds available for all rough sleepers who want one during the coldest months
Rough sleepers in St Albans District will all be offered a bed for the night during the cold winter months.
St Albans City and District Council has worked with partner organisations to ensure there will be enough beds for every rough sleeper who wants one.
Five emergency beds are being provided at a City Centre facility for both men and women. People with dogs can be catered for.
This is in addition to the 12 beds that are available throughout the year at the Open Door Shelter.
Two outreach workers are active in the District to make rough sleepers aware of the support. One is employed by the Council and the other by Hightown Housing Association (HA).
Councillor Jacqui Taylor, Chair of the Council’s Housing and Inclusion Committee, said: “Ensuring the safety of the small number of rough sleepers we have in the District has always been a priority for us and that remains the case this year.
“We are one of very few local authorities that offer emergency beds every night, not just when the temperature drops alarmingly, and we will do so until the end of March.
“I am proud that we are once again delivering the Winter Beds Project along with local homeless charities and organisations such as Open Door and Hightown.
“Our thanks go to them and the Winter Beds volunteers for their outstanding contribution to the project.”
Cllr Taylor added: “If anyone is concerned about a rough sleeper, they should alert Open Door. They can also help by supporting their local charities with a donation or by volunteering.”
Lucy Gaygusuz, Open Door Winter Beds Project Coordinator said: “It’s cold, wet and lonely on the streets at this time of year and during the winter months the weather poses a serious threat to the mental and physical health of anyone rough sleeping. The Winter Beds Project offers safe, warm and welcoming overnight accommodation and support and encouragement to engage with the people and services that can address their long-term accommodation and support needs.
“The Open Door charity has been running the Winter Beds Project for eight years now and are incredibly humbled by the support of volunteers and the local community that help run the service year on year. We couldn’t offer this life-saving service without the support of our volunteers and are proud to work alongside local partners such as the Council and Hightown.”
Amy Laurie, Director of Care and Support at Hightown HA, said: “Our outreach workers have been working diligently to engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, ensuring they are aware of where to find a warm and safe place to stay during the cold weather. We deeply appreciate the dedication and expertise of our specialist workers, whose efforts continue to make a meaningful impact in addressing the homelessness crisis.
"Homelessness is a complex issue with diverse causes and circumstances. To provide effective and relevant support, we collaborate closely with our partners. Our services include access to essential items such as clothing, toiletries, and washing and laundry facilities. To further promote health and well-being, we facilitate access to services such as liver and Hepatitis C screening, eye care, and chiropody. We are committed to ensuring that all individuals who access services are provided with tailored support to meet their needs."
Rough sleepers given shelter are offered long-term support to turn their lives around with the prospect of a permanent home of their own.
This support programme includes courses in life skills at Open Door which is run by Hightown HA and acts as a drop-in centre during the day.
Anyone concerned about a rough sleeper can contact opendoorstalbans@hightownha.org.uk.
To volunteer to help with the Winter Beds Project, please email winterbedsproject@opendoorstalbans.org.
For information about donating to a local charity that helps rough sleepers, please go to https://opendoorstalbans.org/donating.
Media contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer: 01727- 819533; john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.