Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday in St Albans
A moving Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service will take place in St Albans City Centre on Sunday 10 November.
The Mayor of St Albans City and District, Councillor Jamie Day, will lead the annual event and will be joined by leaders of the major faiths.
Everyone is welcome to attend and pay their respects to members of Britain’s armed forces who lost their lives in two World Wars and other conflicts.
The Mayor will lead a parade through the City Centre at 10.30am with representatives of the Royal British Legion, air, sea and army cadets, the Guiding and Scout movements, the Police and other uniformed services.
Honorary Aldermen and Councillors from County, District, Town and Parish Councils will be in attendance.
Mayor Day will be accompanied by his Macebearer and both will wear their official robes.
The procession will walk to the War Memorial, near St Peter’s Church, for the start of the service at 10.50am.
The Revd Mark Dearnley of St Peter’s Church who will conduct the service. A bugler will play the last post which will be followed by a two-minute silence at 11am.
Rabbi Daniel Sturgess of St Albans United Synagogue will read from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Mr Akhtar Zaman, President of the St Albans Islamic Centre, will read from the Holy Quran and Rev Michael O’Boy of St Alban and St Stephen Catholic Church will read from the Christian New Testament
During the service, there will be prayers and the St Albans City Band will provide the music for hymns.
Wreath laying will be led by Robert Voss, Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, followed by the Mayor, Daisy Cooper, MP for St Albans, and representatives of the Fire and Rescue, Police and Ambulance Services and other groups.
After the National Anthem is sung, there will be a procession to a saluting stand where the Mayor will take the salute of the parade.
Cllr Day said:
People of all ages and from all parts of our community will want to join us to pay their respects to our war dead.
In doing so, they will be recognising the huge debt we owe to the men and women who defended our country and the freedoms we enjoy today. We must always remember them.
Cllr Day added:
I urge people to give generously to this year’s Poppy Appeal to help the Royal British Legion carry out the fantastic welfare work it does for our Armed Forces families.
Some Town and Parish Councils within the District, including Harpenden Town Council, are also organising Remembrance Sunday services.
Photos: top, scene from last year’s parade and service; bottom, the Mayor, Cllr Jamie Day.
Contact for the media: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer: 01727-819533, john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.