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Antisocial behaviour lockdown

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A plan to tackle persistent antisocial behaviour in part of St Albans City centre is to be put into action following a public consultation.

Residents, businesses, support agencies and charities were asked for their views on a proposal to use a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to deal with the nuisance.

The scheme received wide support and as a result, St Albans City and District Council is to go ahead with it.

The PSPO will come into operation on Monday 7 December for a designated area. That includes the walled garden at Romeland, Abbey Orchard, the Cathedral grounds and Vintry Gardens.

It will give Police and Council Officers new powers to deal with activities that have led to many complaints from nearby households and organisations. Those include swearing and verbal abuse, threats, fighting, littering, street drinking and urinating in public.

The PSPO prohibits acting in a disorderly manner or manner that is “causing or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress” as well as urinating in public.

A Police Officer, Police Community Support Officer or Council Officer can ask anyone they believe may break the order to leave the area and not return for 24 hours.

Any offenders can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice fine of up to £100.

The Council has been working with the Police for some time to try and reduce antisocial behaviour in the area.

Where this involves rough sleepers, the Council along with other agencies has attempted to provide accommodation.

Councillor Beric Read, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Localism for St Albans City and District Council, said: “We are taking this action in response to numerous complaints from the public.

“Unacceptable levels of antisocial behaviour are disrupting the lives of people living and working nearby and we want to put a stop to it.

“We have been working for some time with the Police and other agencies to deal with these problems and felt a protection order was needed to strengthen our hand.

“It is clear from the consultation that this new approach has the backing of the community and so we have decided to go ahead. Our work with others to help rough sleepers will continue.”

The Council is issuing the PSPO under Section 59 of the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act  2014. It will be effective for a year unless extended by further action.

It does not contain any sanctions against drinking alcohol.  That activity is covered by an existing Designated Public Place Order which requires alcohol to be surrendered to Police when requested.

PSPOs are allowed if activities within an area could have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of people in the neighbourhood and have been persistent.

Among the agencies the Council works with on rough-sleeper issues are Hightown Housing Association and the Open Door charity.

The public consultation was held from 15 October to 29 October 2015.

Councillor contact:

Councillor Beric Read, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Localism for St Albans City and District Council.

Tel: 07956 220264. Email:

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 
