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Access Forum for St Albans

Publication date:

Community groups and residents with an interest in accessibility are invited to a meeting to discuss the setting up of a St Albans District Access Forum.

The Forum would discuss access issues from across the District and make recommendations for improvements.

It is hoped that it would give a powerful voice to people with a physical disability, a long-term illness, a learning disability, mental health issue or a sensory need.

St Albans City and District Council is considering whether an Access Forum would be welcome and what form it should take.

The workshop is being held on Saturday 26 October from 11am to 1pm at the Council Chamber in the Civic Centre, St Peter’s Street. 

Councillor Anthony Rowlands, Portfolio Holder for Community, Leisure and Sport, said:

We want to explore the possibility of establishing an Access Forum that will be vigorous in representing the interests of people with a disability.

It is vital that they have a say in issues affecting our community whether it is the accessibility of new or existing buildings or access to important public services.

Councillor Roma Mills, who has been involved in promoting the idea, said:

We are looking to see whether there is a demand for a coalition of disabled people who can influence and improve the way our District develops in the future.

I urge anyone who is involved with these issues to come along to the workshop and give us their input so we can map the way forward.

The Council Chamber is wheelchair accessible and equipped with a hearing loop.

Anyone interested can just drop into the event. However, in order to plan for it effectively, it would be helpful to register beforehand.

You can do so by emailing or phoning the Council’s Community Engagement Officer Peggy Sharp on or 01727 819340.

You can also ask in advance for a BSL interpreter, lip speaker and easy read or large print documents.

Councillor contact:
Cllr Anthony Rowlands,
Portfolio Holder for Community,
Leisure and Sport
Tel: 07761 232064. 

Cllr Roma Mills, 
Tel: 01727 837319.

Media contact: 
John McJannet,
Principal Communications Officer,
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819533.