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Local emergencies

This page is about the Council’s approach to dealing with civil emergencies and emergency planning. It also has advice on flooding, and information on emergency contacts.

Council Tenant’s Emergency information Toggle accordion

Housing Repairs: 

If you have a need for an emergency repair concerning your property, please ring 01727 866100 and take option 2 for Housing Repairs.  (This service is also available out of hours)

Once you have selected option 2 for Housing Repairs - If the problem is with your Gas, Central Heating or Hot Water supply please then take Option 1 to be connected to Watret, our Gas, Central Heating and Hot Water repairs contractor.  For all other emergency repairs hold to be connected to Morgan Sindall, our housing repairs contractor. 

For Serious Noise complaints: 

Please ring 01727 866100 (please note this service operates on Friday and Saturday nights between 6pm and 3am only)

Please do not take any options, just hold to speak to an advisor (For serious offences - this service is available out of hours)

Dangerous Structures, Dangerous/Fallen Trees and Sinkholes Toggle accordion

If a structure such as a building, scaffolding, or hoarding is in a dangerous state, or a sinkhole has appeared and is posing a serious danger to the public or surrounding properties, then you can report the incident using our out of hours service. 

Please ring 01727 866100

Please do not take any options, just hold to speak to our out of hours service.
(This service is available out of hours) 

Emergency contacts Toggle accordion

WhoNumbersWhen to call
Emergency services999In an emergency.
Police non-emergency101To report non-emergency incidents.
Council switchboard – during office hours01727 866100For District Council related matters.
Council - out of hours service01727 866100  For District Council related matters in an emergency outside regular opening times.
Anti-Terrorist Hotline0800 789 321It's probably nothing, but if you see or hear something out of place call the anti-terrorist hotline.


Flooding Toggle accordion

Call 999 in an emergency where life is in danger.

Report flooding on a road

  • Please contact Hertfordshire County Council through their Highways fault reporting system here or call 0300 123 4047.

Report flooding from a sewer or burst water main

To report flooding from a:

  • sewer, call Thames Water on 0800 714 614
  • burst water main, call Affinity Water on 0345 357 2407

Report flooding caused by a river

  • Contact the Environmental Agency on 0345 988 1188
  • Contact our out-of-hours emergency line on 01727 866100

Do not  walk through flood water

Even shallow moving water can knock an adult off their feet, and there are hidden risks below the water; for example flood water raises drain covers.


What authorities are responsible for managing flood risk?

The responsibility for flood risk management lies within a number of organisations depending on the type of flood risk.

Hertfordshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority for Hertfordshire and has the role of managing flood risk from surface water and groundwater. They have a duty to ensure that roads and pavements are in a safe and usable condition. They also investigate flooding events.

The Environmental Agency has powers and responsibilities to manage flood risk from main rivers, and works with others to maintain and improve main rivers throughout England.

St Albans City and District Council is responsible for managing flood risk on behalf of our tenants. In an emergency situation, we have a duty of care to provide temporary accommodation.

Affinity Water is responsible for all the pipes in their mains network, including repairing and replacing them when necessary.

Hertfordshire Local Resilience Forum Toggle accordion

St Albans City and District Council actively contributes to the county-wide multi-agency Local Resilience Forum known as Hertfordshire Resilience

Hertfordshire Resilience is comprised of emergency services, local authorities, government agencies and the voluntary sector.  Together these agencies assess risks, plan emergency responses, and train and exercise together so they can be ready if there is an emergency situation.

Homelessness Toggle accordion

The Council may be able to help you if you are homeless or threatened with homelessness. If you are worried that you may be evicted, or if you're currently homeless, then contact the Housing Options Team as soon as possible – you can find details here.

In an emergency situation, please call the out of hours service on 01727 866100.

There are fore partners working in the District who can provide support. Details of these agencies can be found here.

Other useful contacts Toggle accordion

WhoNumbersWhen to call
Power Cuts0800 31 63 105In the event of a power cut. Website includes live power cuts map and advice during a power outage.
Report a water leak0800 376 5325To inform Affinity Water of leaks in your local area.
Sewerage Emergency0800 316 9800If you have a problem such as no water or a sewer flooding.
Gas EmergencyService (24 hour) 0800 111 999To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency or if a pipeline has been struck.
Register as Someone in Priority Need The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free service provided by suppliers and network operators to customers in need.
Weather Forecast  
Environment Agency0800 80 70 60 (incident communication service) 
NHS111 (non-emergency number)Advice over the telephone.
Floodline0345 988 1188 
Highways Flood Reporting0300 123 4047Hertfordshire County Council’s Fire and Rescue teams work to clear flooded roads and attend calls.
Air Quality Helpline0800 556677Automated service for information about air pollution.

Pests & Animal Welfare Toggle accordion

For information relating to services for pests and animal welfare please select the link for details on all the services the council provides.

Terrorism Toggle accordion

Run, Hide, Tell video - what to do in the event of a firearms and weapons attack. 

The Council's role in an emergency Toggle accordion

The Council has responsibilities in emergencies for the safety of structures, providing emergency shelter, and environmental health matters.

We have an emergency plan that is flexible enough to deal with a variety of emergencies.  

Across Hertfordshire there are a range of event specific plans covering issues such as pandemic flu; aircraft accidents; mass fatalities; media and communication; and flooding.
We have a lead officer for Emergency Planning, and a volunteer team. Our volunteers are members of our staff who have volunteered to help in an incident, for example by staffing a rest centre, helping in the control centre, or supporting key officers at scene. All volunteers are provided with appropriate equipment for their role and take part in training programmes.

Unauthorised Traveller Incursions Toggle accordion

In the event of an unauthorised traveler incursion on private or public property, please ring 01727 866100

Please do not take any options, just hold to speak to an advisor. 
(This service is available out of hours)

More information on unauthorised encampments.