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Funerals, burials and cremations

Advice and Guidance Toggle accordion

Gov.UK provides clear and useful advice on how to arrange a funeral. Many funeral directors will also have detailed checklists to help you. 

Burial Toggle accordion

Applications are normally made to us by funeral directors as they can help make the necessary arrangements. If you are making your own arrangements, please contact the Cemeteries Office for advice on 01727 819362.

We will require the appropriate documents before we can confirm a booking.

To apply you need to download and complete the Notice of Interment Form (below) and send it to the Cemeteries Office

Due to other burials and practical considerations it may not always be possible to have the day and time you wish.

Burials or interment of ashes Toggle accordion

We appreciate that during this difficult time you will need to make important decisions about the cemetery and the type of grave you want for the funeral. Please ask the cemetery staff for advice on your choices.

Information about our three cemeteries

A burial needs the purchase of an exclusive right of burial and an interment fee. Many customers also choose to mark the plot with a headstone or plaque.

A list of our fees and charges:

Muslim burials Toggle accordion

Information for Muslim Burials contains useful additional information to the Cemetery Information & Regulations.

Find Out More

Burials on private land Toggle accordion

This form of burial allows you to organise a very personal funeral, in which you maintain total control. The Private Land Burial Information Sheet provides advice on what you need to consider including who you need to get permission from. 

Funeral directors Toggle accordion

The majority of burials and cremations are arranged by a funeral director chosen by the deceased or their family and in line with the deceased’s faith or non-faith beliefs.  The funeral directors will be able to answer detailed questions about what happens and advise on what options you have for the funeral.  A list of local funeral directors is available on the Your Funeral Choice website. 

Cremations Toggle accordion

Cremations for residents of St Albans City and District take place at West Herts Crematorium, Garston, Watford (01923 673285) and Hemel Hempstead Crematorium, Hempstead (01442 601253)