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Energy and Buildings - Our Actions

The energy we use in our domestic, commercial and industrial buildings, is responsible for around 45% of the Districts greenhouse gas emissions. In order to ensure we have a sustainable and resilient energy supply we need to make our buildings as energy efficient as possible and move away from fossil fuels, to renewable and clean energy sources.  

As a Council we have an influence on local buildings via the Local Plan. We are involved in property developments and we own and manage a portfolio of offices, public buildings and social housing. Our work is focused on doing what we can to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings whilst also setting high standards of construction for future developments. 

Below are the main objectives we are working towards in our Sustainability and Climate Crisis Strategy 2024-27 along with our key achievements so far. 

Decarbonise all Council-operated assets

  • EB1 Decarbonise all Council-operated built assets

What we will do: 

  • Reduce carbon emissions from all our buildings by improving the building fabric, increasing energy efficiency, decarbonising the heating systems and generating our own electricity.
  • Undertake detailed energy audits for all outstanding Council-operated corporate assets. Review existing energy audits and ensure that any out-of-date or insufficient assessments are re-commissioned.
  • Review the findings of the Council-operated corporate building energy audits and use these as the basis for creating full decarbonisation plans. 
  • Develop a decarbonisation roadmap, prioritising worst-performing assets and incorporating recommendations from completed energy audits where possible.
  • Develop decarbonisation plans for Council-operated housing assets to achieve retrofits consistent with net-zero carbon and in line with requirements to improve Energy Performance ratings.
  • Embed sustainable business principles throughout the procurement and commissioning cycle so that new contracts ensure that energy is sourced from renewable sources and suppliers are clear about their roles and encouraged to make improvements.
  • Ensure all new Council-led developments aim to meet the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge targets as a minimum and take account of both operational and embodied carbon.

Our achievements so far: 

  • Over £10M of Government funding and £10.9M of Housing Revenue Account funding has been awarded and committed to improve the energy performance of 1,050 council housing properties. 181 properties were completed in the Local Authority Green Homes Deal 1B and Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Wave 1 projects. A further 916 properties will be completed under the SHDF Wave 2.1 program due to finish in 2025. These works raise the Energy Performance Certificate rating of the properties to at least a Band C.
  • Monitoring technology is installed in some properties to remotely measure the temperature and humidity within these properties. This will help to demonstrate the benefits of insulation and renewable heating and help identify the causes of damp and mould.
  • Council-owned streets lights are being replaced with LED.
  • Rolling programme of works to convert lighting to LED. Verulamium Museum completed 2023. Sensor lighting installed to District Offices.
  • Energy Audits completed for the Councils largest buildings and energy efficiency  measures in the Civic Offices, Sandridge Gate and Verulamium museum are in progress.
  • £173,000 grant received which will be used to install solar panels on Harpenden Leisure Centre.
  • Heating decarbonisation plans are being procured for the Council Offices and Verulamium Museum which will help provide the data for future funding bids. 

Seek to generate our own energy to support Council services and assets.

  • EB2 Identify, invest in, and deliver energy infrastructure to decarbonise Council operations and heating, increase the renewable energy mix, generate income and embed resiliency

What we will do: 

  • Identify Council-operated assets with renewable energy opportunities and develop associated renewable energy schemes.
  • Investigate the possibility of supporting the development of large-scale energy generation via Local Plan allocated sites to decarbonise the Council's operations, generate income and embed energy resiliency.

Our achievements so far: 

  • Solar PV panels have been installed to the District Offices, Westminster Lodge Leisure Centre, Batchwood Golf and Sports Centre and Cotlandswick Leisure Centre.  
  • Solar PV and either air or ground source heat pumps, are included to new developments at Jenny Lane, Noke Shot, The Hedges and Holyrood Crescent. 
  • Solar PV and renewable heat assessments underway for Sandridge Gate Business Centre and Verulamium Museum.
  • Solar PV installed on Harpenden Leisure Centre using Sport England funding. 

Ensure new development is built to high sustainability standards and support retrofitting opportunities. 

  • EB3 Support and promote sustainable building practices and sustainable development that is consistent with net zero operational carbon and minimises embodied emissions.

What we will do: 

  • Develop Planning Policy that encourages new developments to be built to high sustainability standards and consider embodied carbon. Prioritise retrofitting over demolition and implement on-site renewable and /or low-emission energy generation when appropriate.
  • Ensure the Development Management Team is equipped with expertise in sustainable construction methods and low-carbon technology to better understand the solutions available and require appropriate improvements. 
  • Explore financial and other means of securing carbon offsetting measures in major developments.

Achievements so far: 

  • All new Council developments will be assessed for viability to meet the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 2023 standards for sustainable construction. Draft Local Plan Policies released for consultation July-Sept 2023.
  • Regulation 19 Publication consultation runs until 8th November 2024. 

Help our communities learn to reduce their own energy, emissions and costs. 

  • EB4 Support residents and businesses in championing the reduction of their own energy use, community emissions and costs in existing developments.

What we will do: 

  • Help our communities learn how to reduce their own energy and support schemes that promote decarbonising heat and improve energy efficiency in existing buildings.
  • Support households by providing information and access to funding for the installation of energy efficiency, heat decarbonisation and renewable energy measures.
  • Encourage and provide guidance to businesses on the installation of energy efficiency, heat decarbonisation and renewable energy measures. Signpost and promote retrofit and funding opportunities for businesses.
  • Develop and disseminate a programme educating tenants and landlords (in New Capital Developments or social homes) on how new technologies installed in households should be operated in order to maximise potential energy savings. Notably, if the mode of operation differs from the conventional gas central heating system.
  • Work with landlords of privately-rented domestic properties, through the House in Multiple Occupation licensing function, to ensure that their properties are compliant with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) when they grant a new tenancy to new or existing tenants, including encouraging landlords to upload a copy of their Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) when applying for a licence.
  • Attend Landlord Forums and work with lettings agents and private landlords when appropriate to disseminate information and raise awareness of Landlords’ duties to meet minimum standards and to provide advice on the assistance available.

Achievements so far: 

  • St Albans Home Energy Support Service provides a single point of contact for free advice on energy efficiency, grants and domestic retrofit to anyone in the District. 
  • We work in partnership with the National Energy Foundation (NEF) to make Energy Company Obligation funding more accessible to local households. 
  • Superhomes scheme provides free Retrofit action plans to local householders. 18 surveys have been provided so far. 
  • HUG 2 Grant of £576,000 allocated to St Albans District, targeting off-gas properties for energy efficiency measures. 1000+ properties directly approached to promote scheme.  This is now closed to new applicants.
  • 432 Solar PV, 386 batteries and 19 EV chargers were installed to local homes as part of the Solar Together 2022 and 2023, bulk buying solar panel scheme. Across the County, Solar Together Hertfordshire 2022 and 2023 have delivered 1,665 installations, resulting in 6.2 MW installed capacity, and over £17 million in private resident investment in renewables.
  • HEAT app launched to provide tips to households on how to reduce energy consumption at home.  
  • St Albans Warmer Homes Scheme (now closed), in partnership with YES Energy, provided local homes with 17 boilers, 9 cavity wall insulation, 1 remedial heating system. 
  • St Albans Council are partners in a preparing a bid for the Local Authority Retrofit Scheme (LARS) to support fuel poor homes.  
  • Herts Retrofitting Guide has been produced to support local householders to retrofit their homes. 

Explore and support renewable and low carbon energy schemes  

  • EB-5: Implement low-emission energy generation and storage capabilities in the District.

What we will do: 

  • Review the sites allocated for renewable infrastructure development within the Local Plan and consider any relevant opportunities for renewable, low-carbon energy and heat generation and/or on-site storage.
  • Support and enable the large-scale solar power generation proposal at East Hemel Central Broad Location as identified in the Local Plan.

Achievements so far:

  • Local Plan Draft policies are due to be agreed at Planning Policy & Climate Committee for Local Plan Reg 19 on 17 October 2024

Support energy efficiency measures in low income households to tackle fuel poverty and raise living standards. 

  • EB6 Support energy efficiency measures in low income households to tackle fuel poverty and raise living standards.

What we will do: 

  • Work with partners to improve the identification of vulnerable energy consumers and ensure that they are aware of the support available to them. 
  • Improve the promotion and delivery of advice, schemes and grants that provide support for managing bills and improving the energy efficiency and warmth of low-income and vulnerable households.

Achievements so far:

  • St Albans Home Energy Support Service provides a single point of contact for free advice on energy efficiency, grants and domestic retrofit to anyone in the District. 
  • We work in partnership with the National Energy Foundation (NEF) to make Energy Company Obligation funding more accessible to local households. 
  • Superhomes scheme provides free Retrofit action plans to local householders. 18 surveys have been provided so far. 
  • HUG 2 Grant of £576,000 allocated to St Albans District, targeting off-gas, low income homes, for energy efficiency measures. 1000+ properties directly approached to promote scheme. 
  • St Albans Warmer Homes Scheme (now closed), in partnership with YES Energy, provided local low income homes with 17 boilers, 9 cavity wall insulation, 1 remedial heating system. 
  • St Albans Council are partners in a preparing a bid for the Local Authority Retrofit Scheme (LARS) to support fuel poor homes.  
  • Herts Retrofitting Guide has been produced to support local householders to retrofit their homes.