Parks and Green Space - Contact Us or Report a Problem
Things the Parks and Green Spaces team manage:
- St Albans Allotment Sites
- Grounds Maintenance in St Albans Parks and Green Spaces
- Play Areas owned by St Albans City & District Council
- Hatfield Road, London Road and Westfield Road Cemeteries
- Trees on land owned by St Albans City & District Council
- Litter and fly tipping in St Albans Parks and Green Spaces
- Graffiti in St Albans Parks and Green Spaces
- Grounds Maintenance of Council Housing sites
- Railway Trails (Alban Way, Nickey Line and Lea Valley Line)
- Commons (Nomansland Common, Bernards Heath)
- Grounds Maintenance in Sandridge Parish Council Green Spaces
- Damage suspected to have been caused during grounds maintenance work
- Highways Tree surveying safety related work in residential areas (Office hours only)
- Highway verge grass cutting, Shrub beds and Hedges maintenance
- Highways verge cutting along rural roads and lanes
- Highways weed treatment
Hertfordshire County Council maintains the district’s roads, pavements and streetlights.
Problems with the following subjects should be report directly to Hertfordshire County Council:
- Fallen Tree or branch blocking a road or footpath
- Dangerous Tree over a road of Footpath
- Hedges and other vegetation growing on private property obstructing the highway
- Bus stops and shelters
- Salting paths and roads
- Safety related work to trees on rural and high speed roads
- Damaged grass verge
- Mending potholes
- Repairing streetlights and traffic signals
- Requests for permission to carry out work on a highway or verge
- Safety related work to trees in residential areas (out of hours)
You can report problems and contact us using our online reporting system or through your MyStAlbans account or as a guest user.
When reporting a issue please:
- Describe the exact location of the problem
- Give a detailed description of the problem
- Add picture showing the problem if you have them
Street Cleaning and Fly Tipping on the Highway
Report Fly Tipping in the Highway Report street cleaning problems and Graffiti on the Highway