Leisure Contract Procurement 2022 Working Party
Aims of the Leisure Procurement Working Party
- To help shape a new Leisure Management Contract designed with specific partnership principles and outcomes that remain in line with the council’s vision and corporate objectives
- To assist in the procurement of a Leisure Management Contractor which will provide a varied programme of recreational, sporting and community activities that are accessible to all individuals of all ages
- To ensure that a suitable Leisure Management Contractor is appointed to operate facilities and programmes to enable and encourage all residents to participate in sport and physical activity opportunities.
Members of the Working Party
The members will be as follows:
- Cllr Rowlands (Chair)
- Cllr Campbell
- Cllr Wren
- Cllr Rohale
- Cllr Everall
- Cllr Beashel
The Working Party will be supported by officers from the Strategy, Policy & Transformation Team, as follows:
The Lead Officer for this Group is:
Dale Phillipson, Strategic Director – Strategy, Policy & Transformation
Supported by the following Officers:
- Stuart Foster, Leisure Services Manager
- Nik Holson, Leisure Contracts Officer
All meetings will take place on MS Teams virtually.
The Leisure Procurement Working Party met to discuss and agree elements of the leisure contract and service specification on the following dates:
13 January 2020
12 January 2021
01 March 2021
15 March 2021
31 August 2021
26 September 2021
14 December 2021
19 January 2022
09 June 2022