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Parking enforcement during the COVID-19 lockdown

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Car parking measures to help residents during the third COVID-19 lockdown have been introduced in St Albans District.

The changes are the same as those that were applied during the November lockdown.

Pressure on street spaces is likely to grow with more people working from home rather than travelling by car to their office.

St Albans City and District Council will allow residents from high-demand Controlled Parking Zones to use nearby car parks for free as an overflow. They must have a valid resident’s permit on display.

The Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) – formerly known as traffic wardens – will focus on major routes such as City Centre streets. They will also ensure deliveries to essential shops can be carried out freely.

Other priorities are dangerous, obstructive and anti-social parking such as blocking a driveway or parking on double-yellow lines near junctions.

CEOs will continue to keep a look out for parking infringements in the District’s hotspots where demand for spaces is intense.

To help residents who may have trouble parking overnight beside their home, the free parking period at Council car parks has been extended by two hours. Charges apply from 8.30am to 5.30pm rather than the normal 7.30am to 6.30pm.

Residents are also allowed to buy an extra two books of visitor permits above the usual personal allowance.

All of these measures will remain in force until the end of the lockdown which is likely to be mid-February at the earliest.

The Council is continuing its policy of giving car park concessions to critical care workers such as NHS staff and COVID-19 volunteers as well as health and social care workers.

This measure was introduced at the start of the pandemic and has been maintained ever since.

Councillor Chris White, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate, Environment and Transport, said:

We believe we got our light-touch enforcement regime spot on during the previous lockdowns and have reverted to the same approach this time around.

I believe these measures will help ease the extra pressure on residents’ parking spaces across the District while we will continue to take action against badly-parked cars that can cause a nuisance or a hazard.

I’m particularly pleased that we have been able to maintain the concessions afforded to key workers such as NHS staff throughout these challenging times.

We will monitor the impact of these changes and keep them under review throughout the lockdown, intervening to make further changes if necessary.

Councillor contact:
Councillor Chris White, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate, Environment and Transport, Email:
Tel: 01727 845300.

Contact for the media: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer: 01727-819533;