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Winners of Schools in Bloom competition unveiled

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Green-fingered school children have been rewarded for their gardening skills after taking part in St Albans District Schools in Bloom competition.

The competition for schools aims to encourage young people to learn about wildlife and horticulture by growing flowers and vegetables.

Competition winners were presented with prizes by the Mayor of City and District of St Albans, Cllr Mohammad Iqbal Zia, at an awards ceremony on Friday 8 September.

Zephaniah Lindo, host of BBC2’s Gardeners’ World, who helped judge the competition, was also present at the awards ceremony, held at St Albans City and District Council.

Now in its fourth year, the competition, which helps teachers deliver the national curriculum, attracted a record number of entrants.

Sixteen schools took part in the competition battling it out for prizes across five categories. The winners of each category were:

• Perfect for Pollinators – Camp Primary and Nursery School. Pupils grew a variety of flowers to help attract and support bees as well as other pollinating insects.

• Vibrant Vegetables – Camp Primary and Nursery School. The judges rewarded the school for growing different types of vegetables.

• Wonderful Wildlife – Margaret Wix JMI. Pupils at the school were rewarded for their efforts to encourage and support wildlife.

• Scrapyard Scarecrow – Watling View School. The children designed and built a wonderful scarecrow made out of recycled goods for their garden.

• Super-Duper Sunflower – Wheatfields Infants & Nursery School. The winners produced the tallest sunflower in the competition, coming in at 11ft 5 inches.

The Mayor said: “I was really impressed with the gardening skills, creative talent and enthusiasm shown by the pupils who took part in Schools in Bloom. The annual competition helps school children learn about nature and their teachers to deliver the national curriculum. I would encourage as many schools as possible to join in this fun and worthwhile competition in the future.”

The competition is run by St Albans City and District Council working closely with Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. It is sponsored by Carpenters Nursery and Bunnings Warehouse.

The winning schools won prizes that included seeds, hand tools, compost and bird feeders.

School’s that entered the competition, but did not win a prize received a goody bag.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City and District of St Albans, Councillor Mohammad Iqbal Zia
Contact for the Mayor’s office:
Alison Orde, the Mayor’s Civic Officer
Tel: 01727 819544

Councillor contact:
Cllr Beric Read, Community Engagement and Localism Portfolio Holder
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 07956 220264

Contact for the media:
Amanda Wilkinson,
Senior Communications Officer
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819317
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