Leisure centres reopened
Leisure centres owned by St Albans City and District Council have reopened after being shut during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Westminster Lodge in St Albans, and Cotlandswick in London Colney, have both resumed business after restrictions on their operation were lifted by the Government.
The swimming pool at Westminster Lodge will open on Wednesday 29 July and swimming lessons will resume from Saturday 22 August.
At Batchwood Sports Centre in St Albans, where golf and tennis has already restarted, the gym is now back in action.
All of the buildings have been made Covid-proof with intensive and regular cleaning being carried out according to Public Health England guidelines.
Staff will encourage social distancing with one-way walking routes in place along with supplies of hand sanitiser.
Other safety measures include restricting the number of people allowed to attend some activities and the encouragement of online bookings.
Anyone feeling ill or showing signs of Covid-19 symptoms such as a high temperature or cough is asked not to visit.
Councillor Anthony Rowlands, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Heritage and Public Realm, visited Westminster Lodge as it reopened on Saturday 25 July.
He talked to staff from Everyone Active, which runs the facility on behalf of the Council, as well as many of the leisure centre users.
Cllr Rowlands said: “It is a great relief to be able to reopen our leisure centres which have been closed for four months. I know many people have been missing all the facilities they have to offer.
“I am very impressed with the safety measures that have been put in place to guard against the Covid-19 virus and I’m sure people will look after themselves and others by following the new rules.
“I’m expecting Westminster Lodge will get very busy in the months ahead as Covid-19 has highlighted the need for people to keep fit and avoid being overweight.
“Going to the gym, the pool, the sports hall or fitness lessons is a fun way of doing that and I’m sure the number of users will build up very quickly.”
Steve Cox, Everyone Active’s contract manager, said: “We’ve been overwhelmed with the support we have received from customers during these unprecedented times, and we’re so grateful. Like many other industries, leisure has been greatly affected by the lockdown.
“Ensuring our colleagues and customers remain safe is our number one priority and we have carefully considered the strict measurements to ensure we adhere to the guidance. We look forward to welcoming everyone back and thanking them for their patience.”
For more details about Westminster Lodge including the app, please see: https://www.everyoneactive.com/centre/westminster-lodge-leisure-centre/.
For more information about Cotlandswick, see: https://www.1life.co.uk/cotlandswick-leisure-centre/,.
For more information about Batchwood Golf Course and Sports Centre, see: https://www.1life.co.uk/Batchwood-Golf-Course-and-Sports-Centre/
Councillor contact: Councillor Anthony Rowlands, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Heritage and Public Realm, cllr.a.rowlands@stalbans.gov.uk, 07761 232064.
Media contact: John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council: 01727-819533, john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk.