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Makeovers mooted for Westminster Lodge Athletics Track and Harpenden’s sports facilities

Publication date:

St Albans City and District Council is looking at the feasibility of upgrading Westminster Lodge Athletics Track in St Albans and Harpenden’s Sports Centre and Swimming Pool.

The Council is committed to transforming leisure facilities across the District to provide residents with access to affordable sports and fitness activities in modern environments. 

It has already opened three new leisure centres in three years: Westminster Lodge Leisure Centre, Batchwood Sports Centre and Cotlandswick Leisure Centre. 

These new and enhanced facilities have been delivered at a lower annual cost to the Council as the buildings are more energy efficient and attract more visitors.

At a meeting on Tuesday 21 July, Cabinet will hear that the Council is now looking at upgrading the athletics track and Harpenden’s pool and sports centre.

Cllr Annie Brewster, Portfolio Holder for Sports, Leisure and Heritage for the Council, said: “The Council will be carrying out some work later in the year to see if improvements to St Albans’ athletics track area can be made. This work will involve consulting interested stakeholders, including St Albans Athletics Club and local ward councillors. We aim to produce a feasibility study later this year setting out whether it is possible to upgrade the track and how any work can be funded. We intend to adopt a similar approach to upgrading our sport’s facilities in Harpenden.”

The public can attend the meeting at 7pm on Tuesday July 21 at the District Council’s offices at the Civic Centre, St Peter’s Street, St Albans.

The webcast of this Committee meeting has now been archived. Should you wish to view it please contact Elizabeth Heath on 01727 819519 or email: 

 The agenda and papers for the meeting are available online.

Councillor contact:

Cllr Annie Brewster, Portfolio Holder for Sports, Leisure and Heritage for the Council

Tel: 01438 832255


Contact for the media:

Amanda Wilkinson, 

Senior Communications Officer 

St Albans City and District Council

Tel: 01727 819317 


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1. The six-lane 400m floodlit athletics track at Westminster Lodge, Hoywell Hill, St Albans is home to St Albans Althletics Club. It is open all year round for training sessions, use by local schools and for events. The facility is managed on behalf of the Council by leisure contractor 1Life.

2. Harpenden Sports Centre and Harpenden Swimming Pool are located in Rothamsted Park, Harpenden.