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Council ready for Government's planning shake-up

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The Council’s Cabinet was due to be briefed about the announcements at a meeting on Thursday 24 September.

Some of the measures form part of the Government’s Fixing the Foundations policy, a 15-point plan to boost economic productivity with one aim being more house building across the country.

League tables will be published to highlight those councils that are struggling to make progress in providing their Local Plan.

Councils will also be given a deadline of early 2017 to produce their Local Plan or Ministers could take it over.

A Local Plan sets out a vision and framework for the future development of the area. It must address the future needs of the economy, housing, the environment, community facilities and infrastructure such as transport systems.

The Government is expected to put forward its proposals in the form of legislation later this year. The approval of MPs will then be required before the changes become law.

In other initiatives, the Government has revealed it intends to take a tougher approach to deterring intentional unauthorised developments.

This will strengthen the Council’s hand when dealing with unauthorised developments on urban and green field sites.

A new Government policy for traveller sites was also published last month. The key aims including giving “proper protection” to Green Belt land. 

Councillor Julian Daly, Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation for St Albans City and District Council, said: “The Government is introducing a range of changes in planning laws and policies that affect us.

“The most significant is the creation of a deadline for Local Plans. Our current timetable fits with the Government’s ambition, but it will not be easy.”

The Council’s Planning Policy Committee is due to make a series of recommendations about the Local Plan at a meeting in November.

Councillor contact:

Cllr Julian Daly, Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation, St Albans City and District Council 

Tel: 01582 715645 Email:

Contact for the media:

John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council

Tel: 01727 296130 
